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Two are watching

while one is down

on the ground bleeding

with no one near to help

If only they knew

what he had gone through

if only they knew what hurt he's succumbed to

He left that day

the day he was happy

happy he was happy

until it came

like a wave



without mercy each crashing time

He wished for a lighter feeling

where the weights on his shoulders aren't so heavy

he wished for better days

but they came very few and seldom

He couldn't will himself to let the people around him

really know

how he felt

They made him




and all out helpless

to their constant battering at his soul

His spirit once was strong & fierce

but they made it weak & fragile

pushed its limits too far without him shattering

into a million pieces

sharp and poisonous to them

but so clueless they were to his poison

that when they touched

they witnessed the unstoppable tears

Tears for the pain he was feeling

the poison becoming like the dna in him

changing who he is

who he was before their torture

that could never be removed

or scratched clean

from the body that was pure

yet not anymore since they've destroyed

everything happy

and left disaster.

-coming down

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