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The people i grew up with, the ones i believed knew best, whom i looked up to—are the very people who find my dreams irrational. they see a person without a plan, as if i don't know what i'm doing with my life. in fact, it's positively the opposite

i am at the point where there are only one or two people who trust in me and who notice my talent for what i love. for now, that is all i need to keep moving forward, leaving useless conversations silent as i walk away and negative energy to rest with what i have no time for

until the day i flourish and everyone sees

the power i drew from their skepticism and doubt

the inspiration they've granted to help guide me

and everyday that passed when i struggled for someone to understand

anyone to listen like it was the needed air to breath

My journey hasn't been easy

nor have such comments or actions prevailed happily

but still each and every single one of them

seeds the creativity

the drive and motivation

to write these words

and better understand the importance

of loving myself

and all supporting me.

-see me for who i am not who i was

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