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Looking out a window you see a world. it's different for everyone

within a story exists another world. another dimension. your world. my world. we each have our own stories and viewpoints of every world. good and evil—we all live through it

whether between pages and played out on screens or living the moments directly, you're connected to it

you may see rain. i may see a sun that shines bright and hot on my skin. no matter the size of your world—you are in some way living it

what matters most is how you connect and what you take from these worlds. how you learn to grow and persevere. to love through your true feelings and thoughts and emotions. to understand through empathy and moments personally felt which become a part of you

you become a wiser person if you use this knowledge from your experiences in these worlds —the big one where reality lives and breathes and the small ones that are of a distraction, a coping mechanism, an escape to bearable emotions, that help make sense of this chaos. pay attention, because it is the feelings you have and your actions that can be used to counter what has happened and what continues to rage on in this reality before you.

-random wor(l)ds

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