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I feel like i'm dying from the inside out

once a plump fresh fruit, i am now black and shriveled

beyond recognition for this accusation you've perceived

disbelieving me and taking their lies as truth

inside my chest i can see in past my ribs of decayed matter from the image i stare at in the mirror

to a single organ in the center of emptiness

my heart darkened with turmoil

barely beating because of the agony

placed in my palms from the beginning

without of what was to happen or who you'd choose

my love was tainted by the one who was supposed to teach a proper example

and instead taken hold by trusting hands that turned deceitful in the care of my broken and healing soul

I learned that the same treatment you accept on the daily

had fallen upon me and what i thought was honesty

was only a mask of someone less deserving

of the love she had taught me in my young age

but had been buried and lost in grief

Though now i am aware

life is a killer and death is peace

for she doesn't have to succumb

to those i can but only wish better thoughts

and days of change

to their pitiful existence

for committing further pain.

-empty until death and obliterated in an incinerator

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