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What would come of the world without love? if we lived where there was no love would we truly be alive? we have a craving to be loved, not by family or friends, but by a certain person who's not just a trophy but who means more than the label of your significant other. someone who earnestly loves. someone who is a best friend

i have to believe that true love exists because how can one interaction, one day leading to a next with that person, contribute to such feelings? that in failing to have such beliefs that true love is real, all meaning and hope will be lost to discover and to keep that love. and i will no longer view this connection as holding hands. cuddling. talking. understanding. and trusting one another anymore. instead, my eyes will consider it as dead flowers. stormy days. thunderous sounds and water that keeps draining from a pain that won't go away

never finding love or the feeling of compassion from a person is worse than the chance of heartbreak, because in turn there's a void. a black, bottomless pit. a hole wherein only unconditional care and warming kindness can pervade

without the unity of love between two, it is as blank as a world without life.


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