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This look in my eyes isn't

hate isn't

anger isn't

sleep deprivation

this isn't fear or struggle

this is not a bad mood

this is the fire

that was lit years ago

by those who wronged me. by things that hurt me and experiences that fucked me up in more ways than one

This is far from the end of my pain and persisting battles

but it is one step closer to acceptance

i have made it this far and i know there will be punishing times and people who fight in opposition to my own found revelations of life

but all i can tell you

is go ahead and bring it

for i will burn you

By the forging of a self-healed soul

beaten and broken from constant grief

though in continuation is a kindred spirit

an understanding heart

a passionate desire to help

a loving respect for who i care for

That is mine to call

and that no one including yourself

may ever take away

or break.


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