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I've got this ache

a dulling throb that lives in my chest

surrounding and squeezing my heart

I don't know exactly when it settled in. maybe it was the moment i knew you were dying. that this wasn't just another close call but a time that was supposed to be far away. that i never thought would be so soon

or was it the day you were so tired you couldn't stand? to even breath was difficult and all i wanted was for you to be okay. to no longer live in pain

you died poetically though. in a way that gives me comfort. when the last notes of the piano hummed you gave in to the next and beyond. like a bird finally free or a storm's break to the sun. that makes my belief in something more—true

there's nothing. nobody in this world who could fill the space—the love i carry in my heart for you. one day we'll see each other. i know that.

-summoning peace

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