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I don't talk to you about what i do and what goes on in my life. not because of my actions that i consider lame in weighed or how you'll react but how you'll use them against me in the future

you will build a case so that when shit hits the fan, all the small talk and conversations i had with you will have led to what you "always knew would happen" , what you had warned me against, and what argues the most noise is the life you and everybody else see's as never to be mine to live

how it is another's fault but i'm the worst piece of caused pain for you don't care to ask nor believe me. how it's all because of the kind of person i am, who i hang around with, or my naivety

but i am not who they all say i am—i am me and if you want to know who your daughter is, have the patience to ask and listen.


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