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I've never been with someone like you—i would have never thought i'd be with you after all this time

it may not seem this way in thinking and in the reality i call mine by my lack of words, but that is only because my mind fails to think when you're around

after the years had passed and my feelings lingered. i thought you had forgotten about me or even disregarded any possibility of a you and an i

but as we had grown up there came moments that spoke of the chance of more between us. until the day finally came when the opportunity was presented

so now, as i make the first move and kiss your neck, look into your eyes, and hold you to my body—it is all with my heart

having the time to have thought what i admire and wish for in a person become everything that you are is nothing short of breathtaking

and maybe that is the best part, that there's no need to think to my heart. to how i feel

and what attracts me to you.


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