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I don't think this will stop. i don't believe this is it. i'm not in denial, merely preserving my soul and heart that lie in the remains of all that is left

all confusion and raw emotion could be from a past life, simply like our love is—in the past. in memories of someone i'll always cherish but can no longer have. and it could also be from today—when you slammed that old wooden door. nearly missing the face to whom you once said "i love you"

this is about more than my feelings for you. this is about how much i know i won't be able to abandon every thought that crosses my mind and pieces of reminder that appear

the warm days sitting in the sun. rolling in the grass and feeling your hands move over my body—grasping my heart. connecting with my soul. the rain coming and wiping the sun away, the times with a lit fire and cups of rum

In your arms. in and out all day—wet and cold. dry and warm—you held me in the light. danced with me in the rain. sang with me in spring and cried with me in the final hours we had said "i love you" once more.


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