Chapter 1

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Aurora didn't know how long she sat at the suburban park, staring up at the malevolent sky that shone down on the city, sitting there for the last past hour she could notice the serenity of the clouds that sailed by towards the direction the wind wished them to reach.

Every day felt the same to her. She would wake up at 5.30 A.M. and prepare herself for the long day at the bookstore. She'd walk her way to New York's times square and make it through the hundreds of people rushing on the streets. she'd stop at the same coffee shop and make the same order. A latte espresso with extra cream milk and sugar on the side and during her lunch breaks she'd sit out at the suburban park in front of her old bookstore and stare up at the sky, studying and predicting the weather and today wasn't any different.

She was sick of this life; she was sick of feeling lonely, sick of this same old routines. she wasn't lacking anything when it came down to money or family support, but it wasn't enough she wanted to feel loved, the love described in those Jane Austen and Shakespeare books; she thought maybe if she had someone in her life who made her feel that way, she wouldn't have to feel so lonely and alone she needed someone, somebody who could see past her vintage clothes and finally hear her subtle cry for love and affection.

She sat there pondering on all her adversities; It took the jiggling of the store bell to tear her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see it was a customer, perhaps one of those high school boys attempting to sneak into the rated R section, she sighed and gathered herself up to attend to them.

Aurora made it into her musty scented store and walked her way to the rated section, but it was empty, there was no one side her in the store, which was odd, she would have sworn she saw someone walk in, "Weird." She muttered to herself and made it over the boxes in the middle of the room that had the new releases and unpacked them,

Apart from drowning herself in the fiction section of the store, she loved building towers with books, first she would organize the books in alphabetical order and then by color, it was a pastime activity thought to her by her grandfather Luis, a plot to distract her from engulfing herself in so many books, but over the years it had become a daily routine for her.

After an hour of mind-boggling, She finally completed the tower and if she was being honest, it was her best works so far this month; she loved how all the primary and secondary colors were lined in order, making them look interesting.

She looked up from the tower to see that the book lovers on the streets were already looking in through the window and marveling at all the new exciting novels they could buy, but that's all they did, marvel.

With the invention of E-commerce megastores like Amazon which has eBooks for sale at a fraction of the cost of a traditional book, meaning lesser people would show up at stores to browse for their favorite books. Why would they pay $20.99 for a book, when they could get it for $2.99 online and even have it delivered to their doorstep?

these were one of the issues Aurora had with the store, She had thought of selling it, but the entire store was embodied with happy childhood memories with her Grandfather Luis and it was his only legacy to her and her sister. She could never succumb to selling it.

She picked up the empty boxes and carried them to the storeroom at the back and once she was done with everything else in the store; she proceeded to the chaise beside the window and sprawled herself on it with a good book. It was one of the new releases from this morning, titled, 'Fall.'

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