Chapter 12: Oozai Biology Time, and Snuggle Time

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As mentioned before, whenever there's nothing to do, Star and William just enjoy being around eachother. This has become what Star dubs "Snuggle Time", where they sit on the couch, in eachother's arms, and just talk about whatever comes to mind. Such an activity is happening right now

(William)"Who do you think that Caram guy was? He said he had two fathers, and one mother. I don't think it works like that."

(Star)"Beats me. But, I feel like I know him, somehow."

(William)"How so?"

(Star)"I don't really know. It's like, there's something...familiar? Like he's someone, that he doesn't look like."

(William)"...Star I love you, but that makes no sense at all."

(Star)"I'm serious! You saw the spades on his cheeks? The only people who have those are me, and the other Queens in my family."

(William)"Hmm, now that you mention it, that was strange. He had Oozai magic, but he was also a monster. And another thing, when I beat him, he wasn't hostile at all. He even took that chocolate bar I offered him, I didn't think he would actually take it."

(Star)"Maybe...maybe he's not, entirely evil."

(William)"He literally said to our faces that he was gonna kill us."

(Star)"Yeah, but if he really wanted to, he could've vaporized us with that laser thing."

(William)"Oozai Cannon."

(Star)"That thing."

They stayed quiet for 3 minutes, until Star thought of something.

(Star)"Hey, can I ask you something?"

(William)"What's up?"

(Star)"You know how kids normally look like their parents?"


(Star)"Then, how come you and Zacharie look nothing like your Dad?"

(William)"Well you see, Oozai can be born in an assortment of colors and shapes. Those features are projected from their soul. The soul itself is like a generator of magic."

(William)" Now, say an Oozai wants to have a powerful child. They would simply sacrifice a certain portion of their own magic into the unborn baby's soul."

(William)"Doing that will almost always give the new Oozai a form that looks nothing like the norm. That's why my Dad looks the way he does, his Dad put a large amount of magic into him before he was born. And by extension, me and Zach."

(Star)"So that's why he looks like a cat?"

He started to laugh, as he ruffled her hair a bit.

(William)"Hehe. Yes Star, that's why he looks like a cat."

At Duin Castle

Toffee was in his room, reading a book about Mewni Queens, drinking a glass of swamp water.

(Omega)"Yes, he drinks swamp water."

Caram entered the room, but Toffee didn't stop reading.

(Caram)"Um, Father? Can I ask you something?"

(Toffee)"Yes, S-Caram?"

(Caram)"Well, we're both Septarians, right?"


(Caram)"And we can why ha-"

(Toffee)"Why hasn't my right arm regenerated yet?"

(Caram)"Y-Yes. I know it's not my business, but what exactly happened to it that made it so you can't regrow your arm?"

He put the book down, and got up from his chair.

(Toffee)"...There is an energy in this world that Duin told me about. An energy that every living thing has in certain amounts, but the Oozai have the most of altogether. This energy is called, Determination."


(Toffee)"It's the will to live. Duin said that this energy is so powerful, that if one person in the world had enough, they could break free from the limitations said world puts in place, they could even cheat death itself."

(Caram)"Cheat death? How?"

(Toffee)"Let's see, you've games, right?"


(Toffee)"Then here's an example of Determination. In some video games, you can save your progress at certain points, and let's say you die after. Upon death, you will be brought back to the place you last saved, alive and well, as well as keeping the knowledge that everyone else wouldn't have. That's basically how Determination works in the real world."

(Caram)"And, how exactly did this permanently deform you?"


He gave Caram an annoyed look.

(Caram)"Didn't really word that right..."

(Toffee)"Oozai magic is entirely different from normal magic, it's the only kind that no other race can use unless they are at least 1% Oozai. And that Zoozai just so happens to be able to wield Determination with his magic."

(Caram)"How did he use it?"

(Toffee)"In a fight, I was hit with what he called, a Karmatic Attack. It was a red blast of magic energy so strong, it had overwritten my regeneration ability to the affected area."

(Caram)"Is there a way to undo a Karmatic Attack?"

(Toffee)"There's only one way, and that is to kill Zoozai, which is easier said than done."

(Caram)"Do you think we can do that?"

(Toffee)"Once we get the Heart, as well as the wand, killing him will be like throwing a rock at a mountain made of glass. Was that all you wanted to know?"

(Caram)"Uh, yes. I'll be going now, Father."


He left the room, and heard a feminine voice from inside his head.

(???)"Nobody has to kill Zoozai. There's always another way to help."

(Caram)"...I wish I knew how."

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