Chapter 46: Third Time's the Charm

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William's torso reattached, and he got back on his feet, then started to speak in Oozai.

(William)"Ugh, hinzaal treyun!"

He noticed a familiar looking monkey hopping around him, seemed like the one Dan showed him when they first met.

(Monkey)"Hey, you're that William kid, right?"

(William)"Geh, Zu'u lost kosaan vuld."

(Monkey)"I knew it! You smell familiar. But tell me, why are you in the Lost Woods? It's dangerous to go in here without knowing where to go, you could get lost in here forever!"

(William)"Zu'u frolok fah Duin, rok los ko bo veysun, lost hi nun nii?"

(Monkey)"A flying ship? I think I saw something like that a few minutes ago. It was a big, blue thing, with wings, and fire coming out of it!"

(William)"Kolos drey nii bo?!"

(Monkey)"It went east. I'll help you leave the woods, follow me!"

The monkey and William ran through the many twist and turns of the Lost Woods. Years ago, Zai helped protect the Deku Kingdom by enchanting the forest in front of it. Anyone that wasn't native to the swamp would be lost if they didn't know the correct pathway, and eventually turn into a strange creature, and live there for the rest of their lives.

Along the way out, William saw some Deku children, three to be exact. They were playing a game in which they would shoot themselves into the air, and float from platform to platform while collecting as many fruits as they can without touching the ground.

It reminded him of what he was protecting,his family, his friends, his future subjects, Star...

And it filled him with Determination to press on.

Suddenly, the monkey stopped, and hid behind William.


(William)"Fos los folaas?"

(Monkey)"I-It's that Oozai again! The one who kidnapped me and Dan's sister!"

He pointed towards a green Oozai with a tattered robe.

He pointed towards a green Oozai with a tattered robe

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(???)"Stupid Duin, telling me that I'm not good enough in the final battle, put me in charge of destroying the stinking forest! I'm not even strong at all unless I possess someone with a powerful body!"

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(???)"Stupid Duin, telling me that I'm not good enough in the final battle, put me in charge of destroying the stinking forest! I'm not even strong at all unless I possess someone with a powerful body!"

(William)"Zu'u fen kuz ulaak do daar..."

(Monkey)"Be careful!"

He walked over to the Oozai.

(William)"Ahnok! Fos los dreh ko daar feykro!"

(???)"Huh? This power I'm feeling, you're very strong...I'll just take your body, and show Duin what I can really do!"

His left eye changed from white to black, and music could be heard.

But nothing happened.

(???)"Huh? Didn't work? /His mind must be stronger than normal./ Let's try this again, but a bit stronger."

Nothing happened.

(???)"The hell?! What are you?! That's it, time for my musical hypnosis, maximum power!"

(Omega)"I chose this one to show what his eye affect looked like...also, it didn't work either."

(???)"Argh!! Why can't I control your mind?! Could it be that there's no mind TO control in there?"

(William)"Drey hi nunon faan zey hinzaal?"

(???)"...Oh sh*t."

And William proceed to beat the ever living hell out of him, then throw him miles away.

(Monkey)"Wow! You didn't even break a sweat beating him up!"

(William)"Nii lost nid ahkon ahst pah!"

(Monkey)"Right! Now let's get going, the exit is this way!"

They ran through a large, hollow tree, and were finally out of the woods. William was then met with a familiar looking owl.

(Kaepora Gaebora)"Why, hello there, William! You've definitely changed since the last time I saw you, a fine, mighty Oozai you've become!"

(William)"Kaepora Gaebora, lost hi nun Duin's veysun?"

(Kaepora Gaebora)"Duin's airship? Why yes, it's right above our heads as we speak."

They looked up to see Dii Ropentaar, just as the main cannon fired a purple laser in the sky. A large portal opened, and the ship went through just as it closed.

(Kaepora Gaebora)"And now it's in Mewni."

William was now worried, but remember he could just cut a portal to give chase. He felt around, but was horrified to discover that his scissors were missing.

In the Mountain Zone

(Vangos)"Hey, brother? I think William forgot something."

(Vangoose)"What is it?"

(Vangos)"I think it's one of those Dimensional Scissors Zoozai told us about."

(Vangoose)".........Oh dear."

(Kaepora Gaebora)"Don't worry, child. I can fly you to the ship, I am a deity after all."

William hopped onto the owl's back, and they flew off into a yellow portal Kaepora made. They were now in front of Dii Ropentaar, and the guns opened fire on the pair. The owl was able to fly out of the way, and as the main cannon fired its energy beam, Kaepora created a yellow barrier, allowing William to jump off, and land on the deck.

(Duin-Bot)"Kaepora Gaebora is retreating...b-but William is here!"

(Duin)"No need to worry yet, we can handle the situation calmly. But how the hell is he still alive?!"

(Captain Tix)"Attention all crew, I order you all to terminate William."

With about 20 Duin-Bots surrounding him, William let out a crazed laugh, before tearing through them.

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