Chapter 20: A Day in the Life of William and Star

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(Omega)"Here's a few moments of lovey-dovey sh*t for y'all. That's probably what you came here for"

Saturday: 7:30 a.m.

William was woken up by his alarm, and after lazily getting out of his bed, he made his way to the kitchen, but standing outside his door was an equally tired Star, who couldn't even keep her eyes open, so she didn't bother to try.

(Star)"I'm hungry..."



She moved closer, and laid her head on his shoulder, and somehow fell asleep like that.

12:23 a.m.

William was hanging out with Dan at the park, where they were talking about their current lives.

(Dan)"So Zach and you got a girl, that leaves me to find, The One."

(William)"Dude, you've had like, 30 girlfriends in 3 years."

(Dan)"31, there's that one that tried to burn me."

There was a beeping sound coming from William's jacket. He reached into it, and took out his cellphone, which showed a notification for a text message. After watching William smile while texting for a few minutes, he was starting to get curious.

(Dan)"What was that?"

(William)"Oh, it was just a text from Star."

The Deku became more interested.

(Dan)"What's it say?"

(William)"That's not really your business."

(Dan)"You don't even know the meaning of that. You still let that Janna girl in your house, even though she somehow got a copy of your house key."

(William)"Fine, here's what it says."

He showed Dan the messages.

Star: Whatcha doing?

I'm with Dan at the park, talking about girlfriends. :William

Star: Oh? You're talking about me? ;3

Yes...>\\\< What's up with you? :William

Star: I'm watching the puppies play with Tiny.

Are they helping him eat birds again? :William

Star: Yeh ^_^

(She sent a picture of one of the puppies shooting a laser at Tiny's back, and a flaming bird falling into his mouth.)

Of course they are, he found a new way to be lazy.  :William

Star: Anyway, C U later. ~I♥U

~I♥U 2:William

(Dan)"Dude, you got it way too good right now, don't you dare screw that relationship up!"

(William)"Heh, like I'd do that on purpose."

5:41 p.m.

(Star)"Hey, William?"


(Star)"Since you don't have a job or anything, how do you get money?"

(William)"Oh, that's easy."

He took out a 5 dollar bill from his pocket.

(William)"I just take a dollar, then I use my handy dandy duplication spell on it..."

The dollar began to glow, and there was now 10 5 dollar bills.

(William)"And technically, I am now the richest man in the world."

(Star)"Neat! Can you duplicate other things?"

(William)"Of course. Cars, trees, rocks, keys...huh."


(William)"I just realized how Janna has a key to my house."

(Omega)"Just a short chapter for now, next time, we take a little trip to the past, and find out why Moon has that eye patch."

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