Chapter 58: Metal in the Mirror

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(Duin-Bot Pilot)"William's getting dangerously close to the Reactor! If we lose that, it's all over for sure!"

(Duin)"There's a long corridor away from the Reactor, so we still have some time."

As William ran through the corridor, two solid steel plates dropped down from both sides, impeding his progress. Duin's voice came through an intercom.

(Duin)"This is it, William. You've done some critical damage to my lovely ship, but it ends right now."

A square-shaped hole appeared from the ceiling, and a familiar face came down. Well, by familiar, I mean an almost perfect doppelganger of William himself.

(William)"Pruzah, wo los daar venro zaunig?"

(Duin)"The creation you see standing before you is my latest, greatest machine yet. During our previous encounter, I was able to acquire a sample of your blood. With it, I planned to create a clone you, but it would most likely revolt how Caram did. So, I had a much better idea."

(Duin)"What if I made a machine that was semi-organic? With that idea in mind, I began work on an Android capable of thinking, talking, and most importantly, fighting like you. I call him..."


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(Duin)"Mecha-William! A near perfect copy of you that listens to me! And for my first command, Mecha-William, kill your organic twin!"

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(Duin)"Mecha-William! A near perfect copy of you that listens to me! And for my first command, Mecha-William, kill your organic twin!"

(Mecha-William)"...At once."

Before William could react, his robotic counterpart landed a punch directly into his gut. He then grabbed his tail, and slammed him into the walls.

William summoned his arm blades, and sliced Mecha's arm, and torso off, spilling black oil on the floor.


Wires and cables came out of the dismembered limbs, and reattached themselves, leaving no trace of damage.


(Duin)"I thought of that, boy. Mecha-William has the ability to repair himself, no matter how severe the injury. Along with an infinite energy core, he will always keep up with you."

Mecha-William's arms transformed into some sort of ray guns, which immediately fired red lasers at the organic. He dodged the first, but took the other to his face, blowing a hole in it.

(William)"Tol lost strin, nii prii al dii hahlor! Zu'u praag wah ofaal tir do het!"

Mecha fired another laser, and with quick thinking, William jumped out of the way, causing the beam to melt through the plate towards the Reactor.

(Duin)"Mecha, go after him! He's trying to destroy the Reactor!"

A jet like device formed on Mecha-William's back, and he flew after his twin. He fired laser at William, blowing holes in the floor.

The organic William jump on Mecha's back, and stabbed him with an arm blade, causing his jet to go out of control.

(Duin-Bot Pilot)"Mecha's jet's broken, he can't stop himself anymore!"

After a few seconds, William could see a large ball of energy in the distance, and decided that his flight was over. He jumped off, and Mecha collided with the Reactor, causing it to explode, and leaving a gaping hole in the bottom of the ship.

(Duin-Bot Pilot)"Ah! The Reactor has been destroyed! The engine fell out! William's heading for the helm now!"

(Duin-Bot Pilot)"We're junked! Nothing left to do but crash!"

(Duin)"Argh...well, I hope that Toffee has taken care of Mewni then."

(Duin-Bot Pilot)"Uh...we just got word that Toffee has defected."

(Duin)"What?! What about the Determined?!"

(Duin-Bot Pilot)"They got taken out, too!"

(Duin)"All of them?!/ Damn...we failed, all of us.../ Well then, I guess it's time for you all to evacuate. I'm...I'm not they say, a true captain goes down with his ship..."

(Duin-Bot Pilots)"Don't have to tell us twice!"

All of the robots fled to the escape pods.

(Duin)"...Well? What are you three waiting for?"

Behind them, were his Generals. The King of Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. Hearts had a bruise on his stomach. Diamonds had some on his face, a black eye, an ice pack n his head, and an arm cast sling. Clubs had bandages around his body due to the burns from the previous explosion.

(KoD)"No way! We're not going until William's dead!"

(KoC)"We'll finish him off this time!/Then we'll all escape together!/We won't leave you here!"

(Duin)"You'd all stay here, with me, instead of saving yourselves?"

(KoD)"Exactly! We've been following you for so many years because we respect you! We all know what you've been through, and we wanna help you achieve your goals!"

(Duin)"...Heh, thanks. You've all been so loyal. Many have left after the Battle of Heartbreak, but not you. Ok, do what you like?"

He then left to an elevator, just as William entered the helm.

(KoD)"William! We aren't going to let me go any further than this! Now, it's time to finally di-"

They were effortlessly defeated. William walked over their beaten bodies, and went up the elevator.

(KoD)"L-Lord Duin...we are all sorry, we...failed..."

On the very top floor, William entered and open room, and saw Duin standing in the back.

(William)"Zu'u los zek nol Ausul, Duin!"

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