Chapter 34: The Oncoming Storm

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At Duin's Castle, On the Roof

(Duin)"Create 2,000 in my image, metal men to burn and pillage!"

He pointed his staff at the ground below him, and 2,000 Duin-Bots materialized, guns in their hands.

(Duin-Bot)"Oh hey, we exist."

(Duin)"Now, a battleship is in order. *Thinking of how to word the spell* Ok! Give me a vessel that can fly, to make all my enemies cry!"

He raised the staff to the air, and a massive, floating ship formed from a small orb. It was as long as the castle was tall. It was colored blue, had Duin's logo on each side, and on the front. The helm resembled his head, there was a large cannon below it, with six smaller guns side by side.

 The helm resembled his head, there was a large cannon below it, with six smaller guns side by side

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(Toffee)"So, this is it? In just 30 days, the day of retribution will finally commence

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(Toffee)"So, this is it? In just 30 days, the day of retribution will finally commence."

(Duin)"Yes, after all these years, things will finally go our way. Monsters will have their land back, and I'll finally have her back."

(Toffee)"You know, it sounds odd, but I'll kind of miss them."

(Duin)"How so?"

(Toffee)"Although they're the ones who caused us so much trouble, I've gained a sort of respect for them."

(Duin)"I can agree with that, but unfortunately they had to suffer this fate."

(Toffee)"Hm...well, let's go over the plans."


Duin put a large map on the table, the Nightmare Realm was on the bottom, and Mewni was on top.

(Duin)"One thousand Duin-Bots will accompany you to Mewni during the first phase. As they're busy dealing with you, I'll launch the battleship, and when it goes fast enough, it'll tear a dimensional portal a far distance from the barrier, where I'll use the spell so that I can enter."

(Duin)"And during all this, our 'Special Generals' will launch a full assault on Zoozai's castle."

(Toffee)"That reminds me, why do they look the way they are?"

(Duin)"Remember what a person with strong enough Determination can do?"

(Toffee)"Yes, they can go back in time whenever they are killed."

(Duin)"Well, I tried to attain this power, so I could just go back in time to save her. I had my Head Scientist test on Determination. He created a machine that could actually extract this substance from a soul."

(Toffee)"Fascinating, but what went wrong?"

(Duin)"Before I tested it on myself, I had him test it on the bodies of five Oozai. It made them stronger, but they couldn't Save or Load. Then...their bodies changed. I then knew that doing the same thing to me would basically be suicide, so I scrapped the project immediately."

(Toffee)"A shame, but at least something came out of it."

(Duin)"That's exactly what I said."

Duin got up from his chair, and walked over to Zoozai, still in his transformed state inside the crystal.

(Duin)" get to come with me during the upcoming battle. You will see every single one of those fools fall to their knees and die. You know...all of this could have been avoided, if you just gave me the Heart in the first place. How does that make you feel? Angry? Regretful?"


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