You Jerk

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*October 31, 1999*

Stevie Nicks started her day in the afternoon and soon was making sure everything was ready for a Halloween party she was hosting.

She and her assistant Karen were going over the last minute things that needed to be done.

All the rooms downstairs were decorated for the party and now all she needed now was to dress in her witch costume. Which she will do when the time grew closer to the party.

The dress was like her usual dresses that she wore on stage, and all she needed to add was a witch's hat.

Stevie has a few hours to spare before she needed to get dressed so, she walked upstairs to take a nice relaxing bath.

Her children were all in school and her husband was in their home studio that was located where the basement once was.

Stevie smiled at the thought of her family and felt so blessed to have them in her life. As she gathered her robe from the closet, she thought about her life.

Stevie met Lindsey Buckingham when she was seventeen years old and they soon fell in love.

On July 17, 1973, she and Lindsey got married. That same year in September, Stevie and Lindsey had released an album called Buckingham Nicks. Even though Stevie's last name was Buckingham, she and Lindsey still wanted to go by Buckingham Nicks for their music career.

But, the label they were signed to dropped a bomb shell saying that they were going to drop them and their album from the label.

In 1974, Stevie found out she was pregnant with their first child. Sara Buckingham was born on November 12, 1974.

Stevie and Lindsey did struggle to keep food on the table for themselves, but Sara was well fed. Stevie was able to breastfeed and not worry that her daughter would go hungry.

Then, in 1975, they received a phone call that changed their lives forever.

Mick Fleetwood of the band Fleetwood Mac called wanting to hire Lindsey because the band was looking for a new guitarist. Lindsey said that he would join but only if Stevie could join too. Lindsey told Mick that he and his wife were a packaged deal. Mick said yes and Lindsey and Stevie were now a part of Fleetwood Mac.

It was tough on Stevie to be away from Sara during rehearsals and being in the studio. But she knew that she was doing this so she, Lindsey and Sara wouldn't go hungry.

Things after that went well money wise for the Buckingham's. After their first album was released with Fleetwood Mac, money came pouring in.

They were able to buy Sara brand new clothes and not hand me down clothes like they were doing when she born. They were able to buy a house and so on.

But things became strained during the making of their second album, Rumours.

Lindsey and Stevie separated for a while but after the release of Rumours, they decided to work on their marriage and somehow they survived.

On February 18, 1980, their daughter Rhiannon was born.

Now with two children, it was even more difficult for Stevie to go on tour and such but, they some how made it work.

In 1981, Stevie went solo as she wanted to share more of her songs with the world. Her solo career didn't interfere with Fleetwood Mac. She made sure of it.

On her solo tours, she was able to bring her girls with her and not worry about being away from them so much.

On October 13, 1983, Robin Buckingham was born.

On March 23, 1985, Lillian Buckingham was born.

On April 20, 1989, Destiny Buckingham was born.

On May 18, 1992, Isabella Buckingham was born.

In late 1993, Stevie was pregnant yet again but at ten weeks, she had a miscarriage. It was a difficult time for her and Lindsey but, Stevie took it the hardest.

Stevie battled depression for some time but with the help of her loving husband and children by her side she made it through.

Then on January 7, 1995 their seventh daughter, their rainbow baby, Aria was born.

It was very tough raising their daughters, while touring and recording music but with the help of Stevie's mother Barbara and Lindsey's mother Rutheda, all of Lindsey's and Stevie's daughters were raised well.

The girls were well traveled and they enjoyed seeing their mommy and daddy singing on stage.

When they got to school age, Stevie had them homeschooled and a tutor was brought on tour with them.

In 1992, things had finally settled down and the girls were able to join a private school.

Stevie and Lindsey were able to be with their girls more and just be a "normal" family.

Now, it was 1999, and Sara was the only daughter that lived on her own. She was 24 years old and had a boyfriend she's known for five years.

His name is Michael Kidman and he is 28 years old. Sara is a nurse and Michael is a doctor.

The rest of the Buckingham girls still live at home with their parents.

Stevie sighed sadly; her first born was all grown up. But she was really proud of Sara for the hard working woman she grew up to be.

Stevie walked out of her closet and gasped when arms wrapped around her.

"Lindsey!" She shrieked. "You scared me! You jerk!" She giggled.

Lindsey chuckled and continued to hold her from behind. "Well, it is Halloween. I thought you loved Halloween?" He kissed her neck and his hands moved across her hips.
Stevie bit her lip, knowing what Lindsey was doing. "I do. It's just...I..." she trailed off as Lindsey's hand rubbed her breasts, kissing along her neck. "Hmmm...that...that feels nice." She said with a sigh, closing her eyes.

Lindsey turned Stevie around and kissed her lips. "We have the house to ourselves for a few more hours. Why don't we...have some fun?" He asked in a husky voice.
"What kind of fun do you have in mind?" Stevie asked breathlessly.
"Oh, I can think of a few things." Lindsey said with a sly smile on his face.

Stevie giggled and let's Lindsey carry her to their bed. They made love a few times and now they are wrapped in each other's arms.

Stevie lays her head on Lindsey's chest as they catch their breath. Lindsey holds her tightly. Stevie smiles to herself and thinks, that even though their life has been chaotic at times, she would not change a single thing.

I know I shouldn't have...but this idea has been in my head since her interview with Rolling Stone Magazine where she says, "I would have loved to have a house full of daughters."

Why not make that happen in AU? Right? Lol.

So, I decided to go for it. I know this chapter wasn't too exciting but I hope you all enjoyed it and are interested in it continuing.

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