First Day

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Summer came and went. Summer was spent by taking a family trip to Hawaii for a few weeks. Sara and Michael had joined the family on the trip and everyone was able to just spend time together.

Now, all Buckingham girls that were still living at home were getting ready to go back to school.

They all had their new school supplies, backpacks and new uniforms.

Lillian was in her room getting her things together but she was dragging a bit. This school year she would be a sophomore.

Lillian has just put away the last of her notebooks when Robin walked into Lillian's room.

"Hey, Lil." Robin said as she sat on Lillian's bed.
"Hey." Lillian said.
"Are you okay?" Robin asked. "I noticed during dinner you were not yourself. Mom noticed as well."

Lillian finished zipping her backpack up and shrugged. She placed her backpack on the floor next to her desk then sat next to Robin.

"I don't want to go back to school." Lillian said quietly.
"Why? What's going on?" Robin asked.

Lillian looked down at the floor and said. "Because no one likes me there."
"Why do you say that?" Robin said worriedly.
"I do have a few friends, but everyone else makes fun us." Lillian said. "More me than them."
"What's their problem? Do you know?" Robin asked.

"They don't like me because of who mom and dad are." Lillian said. "They think I'm this rich spoiled brat. They make fun of me because of Fleetwood Mac. They think mom and dad did all these drugs and that mom had sex with different men. We all know that's not true. Sure the rest of the band did, but not mom nor dad. Well...that we know of."
Robin leaned forward and said. "Fuck them. Who ever is bothering you, is just insecure about their own life that they have to make others feel less than to feel better about themselves. Just try not to let their words hurt you. Unfortunately, we will always be talked about because of our parents. Don't give them the power to mess with you. We know the truth and the things they say are lies. And, who are they calling a rich spoiled brat?! They need to look in the mirror. That's all our school is filled with. Mom and dad raised us better than that. We know how to be humble and appreciate the things we have."

Lillian nodded her head in understanding as she took in her sisters words.

Robin gave Lilian a side hug and said. "Listen, I used to get picked on just like you are now. I mean I still do but I don't give fuck what they think. Sure it took me a while to get to this point but I made it through. You know, they all believe that silly rumour that mom is a witch. They used to call me daughter of a witch, now they just call me a witch because of the way I dress when I'm not in school. They also called me princess of darkness, a freak...all those kinds of words. It used to hurt me a lot and I would cry when I would get home from school. But, I started to not listen to them. They eventually stopped and I do get a few comments here and there. But everything is so much better now. If those kids continue to give you trouble, you tell me and I'll kick some ass if I have to. So, keep your head held high and don't let them dim your shine."

Lillian chuckled a little then said. "Thanks Rob...I'll try my best this coming year to not let them get to me."

Robing hugged Lillian tightly then she walked back to her room. On the way, she ran into her mother.

"Did you talk to her? Did she say what was wrong?" Stevie asked.

Robin motioned to Stevie to follow her to her room. They entered Robin's room and she said. "She did tell me what's wrong, but...I don't want to say because Lil trusted me with what was bothering her and I don't want to break her trust. Just know that she's just nervous for the new school year. I spoke to her and hopefully I helped her out."
"Well, I don't want you to break her trust so, I am going to let give her some space and pry." Stevie said with a sigh. "She used to tell me everything but then she stopped. I wonder what happened."

Stevie was heartbroken that she lost the connection between herself and Lillian.

For Lillian, she felt a bit embarrassed to have let her classmates bully her. She didn't want to worry her mom with this, which is why she stopped telling Stevie these types of things. She wanted to let her mother think that everything was fine.

"I'll keep a eye on her." Robin said as she put her hand on Stevie's shoulder. "Don't worry."

Stevie smiled and hugged Robin. "Thanks, baby girl. Just please, if it's anything serious, please tell me."
"I promise." Robin replied.

The next morning was filled with the chaos of getting all the girls up and ready. Stevie got Aria dressed and gave her medication.

Stevie then rushed downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for her family. Aria followed behind and helped her mother.

One by one, each girl walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table.

Lillian was in a better frame of mind and felt confident of this upcoming school year. She hoped that she could keep up this attitude throughout her day.

The Buckinghams' then enjoyed their breakfast.

After breakfast, Stevie got out her camera and took everyone's photo for their first day of school. Even Rhiannon got her picture taken.

It didn't matter how old her children were, as long as they were going to school, Stevie would always take a first day of school photos.

Soon it was time for Lindsey and Rhiannon to take everyone to school. They all said goodbye to Stevie and she wished them luck on their first day.

When Lindsey returned, he found Stevie back in bed. She was fast asleep and he decided to join her. But he had no plans of going back to sleep.

He took off his clothes then got into bed and got under the covers. Lindsey scooted closer to Stevie and just admired her beauty for a moment.

He then leaned down and kissed her neck. Stevie stirred and as Lindsey continued to kiss her neck, his hand moved down to her center.

Stevie moaned as Lindsey rubbed in between her legs and she rolled onto her back, her eyes fluttering open.

She smiled up at Lindsey and asked. "Can I help you?"
Lindsey chuckled and continued. Lindsey then kissed her lips and worked Stevie up into a frenzy. Stevie wiggled around as she was close to her release.

After a few minutes, Stevie screamed out Lindsey's name as she reached her orgasm. Stevie's body shook then when she calmed down she rolled on top of Lindsey, straddling him and said. "Now it's your turn."

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