Thank You

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"Lindsey?" Stevie said worriedly.

It had been three minutes since he passed out. Stevie had quickly wiped her belly off of the gel that helped the transducer glide easily over her belly.

She and Dr. Grey had rushed over to Lindsey's side who was sprawled on the floor. Dr. Grey had called over a nurse to help.

Lindsey stirred and his eyes slowly fluttered opened. Stevie breathed a sigh of relief when she saw those blue grey eyes staring up at her.

She had held his hand as Dr. Grey checked his vitals.

He smiled at Stevie and said. "Twins. Whoa..." he lifted his hand up and caressed Stevie's cheek. He then wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumb. "Good thing we have a big house with plenty of room."

That got a chuckle out of Stevie then she asked very seriously. "Are you okay? Are you happy?"
"Of course, I'm happy." Lindsey said. "I was just...well, shocked." He chuckled.
Stevie smiled and bent down kissed Lindsey's lips.

They looked into each other's eyes lovingly and soon, Dr. Grey broke up their moment.

"David...let's get Mr. Buckingham into this wheelchair until he gets his strength back." She said.

David, the nurse helped Lindsey into a wheelchair while Dr. Grey helped Stevie stand up.

David left for a minute then came back with a cup of water for Lindsey. Lindsey drank it, feeling a little better from his shock. He really was happy about this recent news.

Stevie got back onto the exam table and Dr. Grey suggested they finish the ultrasound.

"Lindsey...can you see the screen?" Dr. Grey asked.
"Yes." Lindsey replied with a nod of his head.
"Great! Let's get started...again." Dr. Grey chuckled.

Dr. Grey scans Stevie's belly again and concentrated on measuring each baby and making sure everything is alright.

"Okay...both babies are measuring at eight weeks, so they are right on track." Dr. Grey said. "Now, the babies are not identical. They are in separate sacs. This is baby A." She points to the baby that was on the bottom. "And this is baby B." She then points to the baby that was at the top.

Dr. Grey then marks them on the ultrasound and take some stills for Stevie.

Soon the room was filled with two strong heartbeats.

Stevie had tears rolling down her cheeks. She smiled as she looked at the screen.

Lindsey then carefully stood up from the wheelchair and placed a kiss on Stevie's lips.

"Careful, Linds." Stevie said as she pulled away.
"I'm fine, Angel." Lindsey replied. "I just want to tell you, how much I love you. We've been through a lot. I've made some mistakes but we made it through. Here we are with seven beautiful and amazing daughters and two more babies are on the way. Thank you for making me a father, Stephanie. You and our children are my world. I love you, baby.

Stevie tears streamed down her cheeks and a smile was spread across her face.

"Oh, Lindsey." Stevie said with emotion in her voice. "I love you too. Thank you for making me a mother."

Stevie pulled Lindsey toward her lips again and they kissed for a moment. Then Stevie remembered they were in the doctors office.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Meredith." Stevie said as she gently pushed Lindsey away.
"It's alright." Dr. Grey said with a tear-y smile. "I didn't want to interrupt your moment."

After that, Dr. Grey tells Stevie a few things about what to expect during a twin pregnancy.

They were free to go a few minutes later and now Lindsey drove them back home.

A very small update, hope you all don't mind.

More to come soon!❤️

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