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*16 weeks pregnant*

Today, Stevie has a doctors appointment. She had asked Sara if she had wanted to join her and Lindsey.

Sara said yes and they were now on their way to see how the babies were doing. Sara was meeting them there since she had to go into work right after.

Stevie and Lindsey got out of the car and greeted their daughter then they walked into the doctors office.

Stevie signed in then sat beside Lindsey while they waited. She held his hand while placing her free hand on her belly.

Soon, they were being called back and of course, Dr. Grey checked Stevie's vitals and such first.

Everything checked out just fine and now it was time to see the babies on the ultrasound.

Stevie laid back and lifted her blouse to expose her growing belly. Lindsey sat beside her and held her hand. Sara sat next to her father and stared at the screen, ready to see her new siblings.

Dr. Grey put the gel that helps move the transducer around easily over Stevie's belly. Then she places the transducer and begins to move it around.

Finally the twins come into view. Stevie smiled wide and watched her babies wiggle around on screen.

Sara swallows the lump in her throat but that did not stop the tears from forming. She was sad because of the baby she lost. However, she was happy at the same time to see her siblings for the first time on screen.

Stevie called Sara to come close to her. Sara stood up and took Lindsey's place. Lindsey moves out of the way. He knew that Stevie wanted to comfort Sara.

Stevie takes hold of her hand and Sara holds on tight. "You okay, sweet girl?" She asked.
Sara nods, as tears roll down her cheeks. "Yes. I'm just so happy for you, mom." She looks at the screen and continued with a chuckle. "Those are my baby sisters in there!"

Stevie chuckled and wiped her tears away that had escaped. "So, you think they are both girls." She said.
"Well, I think they are." Sara turns to Lindsey and said. "Sorry, dad. You and mom don't a good track record on making boys as we said before."

Lindsey smiled and said. "Hey, it's okay. I love all my girls and I love these babies no matter what."

Stevie smiled and sighed happily. They all then turn their attention back to the screen.

"Everything looks great Stevie." Dr. Grey said with a smile. "You and the babies are doing amazing. I couldn't get good a view of their private parts today, so hopefully on your next appointment, we can find out their genders."

"Thank you, Meredith." Stevie said as she stared at her babies.

Soon they were walking out of the doctors office and Sara turned to her mother.

"I'm so happy I got see my baby siblings today." Sara said with a smile. "I really needed this. Again, I'm really happy for you and dad."
Stevie smiled and hugged Sara.

Lindsey then hugged them and said. "Come on. I'm taking my girls out to lunch. My treat."

Short chapter.

Trying to ease my way back into writing. Sorry for the lack of updates.
More to come soon...I hope. Lol.

Also, Merry Christmas everyone! And Happy Holidays.

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