More Than A Few

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At her announcement of her news, Sara was eight weeks. Now she was ten weeks.

Sara was so excited to become a mom. She and Michael at first didn't want children so soon. But, after the shock wore off when they first found out, they embraced their bundle of joy.

Michael and Sara were now moved into their new home and had just unpacked the last of their things from the last box.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and Stevie and Sara were out shopping. Stevie told Sara she wanted to buy a few outfits for her grandchild.

"Mom...I thought you were only buying a few outfits." Sara said with a chuckle. "This is more than a few! And besides, we don't know what the baby is yet."
"Oh let me be!" Stevie laughed. "This is my first grand-baby and I am going spoil them. I know we don't know the gender yet so, I am buying some boy clothes and some girl clothes. When we find out what gender the baby is, we can always donate the clothes we don't need."

Sara shook her head but laughed at her mother. Stevie went to go pay for all the outfits she picked out.

After leaving the store, they go to Stevie's favorite Italian restaurant and eat lunch.

As they they ate, Stevie noticed that Sara started picking at her food after some time.

"Sara, are you okay?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm okay." Sara said as she rubbed her very small bump. "It's just...I feel weird."
"Weird how?" Stevie asked as she put her fork down.

Sara shrugged and said. "I guess, just, tired and I'm having some cramps. Is that normal?"
"Well, yes. Cramping is normal." Stevie replied. "However, if it's too painful then no."
"The cramping is dull." Sara said worriedly. "Maybe we should head home after we eat. I should lay down for a while."

"Of course." Stevie said. "I'll call your father to pick me up from your house."

Sara nodded and continued her meal. Sara managed to eat all her food. The cramping stopped and her mind eased up a little.

When they arrived at Sara's home, Stevie used the phone to call Lindsey. He said he would be right over.

Stevie then took all her purchases into the soon to be nursery upstairs. She took the outfits out of the shopping bags and hung them up in the closet.

Sara sat on the sofa and rubbed her belly. The cramping returned and this time, it was worse.

Stevie walked back down into the living room and saw a worried look on Sara's face. She rushed over and sat next to her.

"Sara? What's going on? What are you feeling?" Stevie asked.

Sara was holding her tears in but as soon as she looked up at her mother, the tears escaped her eyes.

"It's hurts a lot." Sara cried. "Mom, I'm scared."

Stevie hugged her daughter then said. "I'm taking you to the hospital! As soon as your dad gets here we're going, okay?"

Sara nodded and prayed her father wouldn't take too long.

A minute later, the doorbell rang and Stevie rushed over to answer it.

"Linds, we have to take Sara to the hospital." Stevie said hurriedly.
"What's wrong with her?" Lindsey asked worriedly.
"We don't know, but she's in pain." Stevie replied.

Lindsey rushed inside and walked straight to Sara. By this time, Sara felt something wet between her legs.

"Sara! Let's get going." Lindsey said as he helped her up.

Sara looked down and so did Stevie. Their eyes went wide as they saw red running down between Sara's legs.

Lindsey followed their stare, his eyes widening when he saw what they saw.

He quickly jumped into action and helped Sara out the door. Stevie rushed quickly to the downstairs bathroom and grabbed some towels. She then grabbed the house keys and locked up the house.

Stevie ran to the car and placed a towel on the back seat. Then gave the other to Sara to clean herself up.

Sara sat down in the backseat; she was sobbing by now.

Stevie sat with her in the backseat and held her hand.

Lindsey got into the drivers seat and turned the car on. He then put it into drive and backed out of the driveway. He tried not to speed but he couldn't help but do so.

They got to the hospital a few minutes later. It was the same hospital that Michael and Sara worked in.

Lindsey parked the car in a parking spot close to the doors and decided to carry Sara into the hospital.

He opened the backdoor and took Sara into his arms. Stevie got out of the car then they all rushed into the hospital.

Stevie ran in first and called for help. A nurse recognized Sara and rushed over. After seeing the blood, the nurse called for a gurney.

Once they laid Sara on a gurney, a doctor was now giving orders on what room to take her to. Sara grabbed her mother's hand. Because they knew Sara, they allowed Stevie to go back with her.

Lindsey stayed in the waiting area. He sat down on a chair, put his face into his hands while his elbows rested on his knees and prayed that his daughter and grandchild would be okay.

They got to work on Sara and the nurse rushed to page Michael.

Michael burst through the curtains a few minutes later and went right over to Sara. He grabbed her free hand and said. "It's going to be okay, baby. It's going to be okay."

Sara just nodded; she was too emotional to say anything. She held onto his hand and her mother's hand. She didn't want to let go of either of them.

Soon they were bringing in an ultrasound machine and got it set up.

The doctor taking care of Sara was one of their colleagues named Amy. Amy got into her professional mode and quickly began her examination.

Amy squeezed some gel onto Sara's abdomen then placed the transducer over the gel. She then spread the gel with the transducer and quickly found the baby.

Amy studied the screen as well did Michael. Sara was too scared to look, so she kept her eyes down.

After a few seconds, Michael kept from making a sound. He already knew what Amy was about to tell them.

Amy sighed silently then looked over at Sara and said. "I am so sorry, Sara. But there is no heartbeat."

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