They're Back

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Thanksgiving came and went. It was now the second week of December.

Planning Sara's wedding was well under way and Stevie wanted to give her daughter the wedding of her dreams. So, she kept to Sara's wishes and would plan Sara an intimate wedding with just family and close friends.

After Sara's birthday, things went on as usual at the Buckingham household.

Things were chaotic and loud. The girls like all siblings would get into small arguments and fights.

The Buckingham girls always kept Stevie and Lindsey on their toes and they wouldn't have it any other way.

One Sunday afternoon, Lindsey was in their home studio and Stevie was in her music room, playing her piano. She was singing the song Gypsy.

Lillian was over at a friends house that lived close by.

Rhiannon was in her room studying for upcoming exams.

Robin sat in a corner of the music room sketching in her sketchbook enjoying her mother's singing.

Destiny was sitting by the window and reading a book.

Aria wanted to play with her dolls and wanted her sister Isabella to play with her. Isabella didn't enjoy playing with dolls but, for her baby sister she would give in. They played on the floor close by the piano.

Aria had been feeling off all morning but she still wanted to play. Stevie kept a close eyes on her.

To the gypsy that remains
Faces freedom with a little fear
I have no fear
I have only love
And if I was a child
And the child was enough
Enough for me to love
Enough to love

Stevie sang and Robin was humming along.
Stevie looked around the room at her children and smiled.

Stevie then looked back down at her piano and continued.

She is dancing away from you now
She was just a wish
She was just a wish
And a memory is all that is left...

"Aria?" Isabella said as she looked at her little sister with concern.

Stevie stopped playing and singing as she looked up. She gasped when she saw Aria slump down to the floor.

"Mommy!" Isabella yelled.

Robin and Destiny but down their things and rush over to their sister.

Stevie beat them to Aria and tears formed in her eyes as she saw her baby girl's tiny body convulse on the floor. She kneeled down to try to help Aria.

Aria's arms were close to her face, her hands were in tight fists. Her whole body locked up, her head was turned to the side and her eyes looked up to the side. Her legs were straight, her feet were also straight and her tiny toes were curled.

"She's a having a seizure!" Stevie said. "Des, go get daddy!"

Destiny took off at a run to get Lindsey.

Robin and Isabella looked on with tears in their eyes. Stevie did what she could to comfort Aria.

She stroked her Aria's shoulder and said. "It's okay, baby. It will all over soon." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Aria continued to seize her head shaking back and forth, her eyes still looking to the side. Her breathing came out hard and fast.

A few seconds later, Lindsey rushed over and kneeled down next to Stevie. His heart broke as he watched Aria having seizure.

Robin held onto her sisters as they watched on. That's all they could do and just wait till it was over.

"I don't understand." Lindsey said. "We've been giving her medication. She hasn't had a seizure in three years!"
Stevie sobbed quietly and said. "I...I don't understand either. I'll call Dr. Edwards and make an appointment for tomorrow morning."

Aria was the only Buckingham child who inherited epilepsy from Lindsey. Lindsey was diagnosed with mild epilepsy and he too has been taking medication for it. It has been working for Lindsey all these years and doesn't any issues.

Now Aria, she had her first seizure at the age of two. She was diagnosed with epilepsy after having two seizures a day for two weeks straight.

Their doctor, Dr. Emily Edwards prescribed a medication that helped stop the seizures and helped Aria live a normal childhood. But for what ever reason, the medication has stopped working.

Stevie continued to stroke Aria's arm and spoke to her with words of comfort.

The seizure lasted a total of five minutes.

Soon, Aria's body began to relax. Her fists loosened and her breathing began slow down. She was still breathing heavy.

Aria's whole relaxed and she began to whimper. She then began to cry.

"Mo...mommy!" Aria sobbed as she looked up at Stevie, tears streaming down her cheeks. "They're back! My shakes are back!"

"Why did they have to come back mommy?" Aria said as she clung to Stevie. "Why?" She whispered.

Stevie didn't know how to answer. She just hoped that this was a one time occurrence.

I just want to say thank you for reading and for the support on this story.

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