A Happy Day

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After eating lunch, they still had some time to spare. They decided to go to the aquarium and treat Aria for doing well at her appointment.

Aria actually felt better and walked along holding her parents hands. She enjoyed looking at all the different kinds of fish and learning about where all the different fish were from.

She read the descriptions and Lindsey helped her with the words she couldn't pronounce.

All in all, despite Aria's worry, she had a great time hanging out with her mommy and daddy for the day.

With seven daughters, it was hard for Lindsey and Stevie to have one on one time with each of their them.

After their visit to the aquarium, Lindsey, Stevie, and Aria go back to see Dr. Edwards.

They were quickly led to an exam room since the waiting room was now filled with other patients. In Dr. Edwards' Office, all nurses and other doctors always made sure that the Buckingham's had their privacy.

After twenty minutes of waiting, Dr. Edwards entered the room. Her face had a smile and Stevie relaxed.

"Well, I went over Aria's blood work and it's as I suspected." Dr. Edwards said. "As we have been over before, as Aria grows, we will have to make adjustments to her medication. Which is the case now. I will increase her dosage and that should fix the problem."

Stevie and Lindsey breathe a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"Of course, we still have to keep an eye out for any more seizures because they are so unpredictable." Dr. Edwards said.
"Thank you, Dr. Edwards." Stevie said relieved.

Dr. Edwards goes over a few things before letting them go.

"I'm going to write Aria's new prescription with the higher dose and also, I suggest that Aria stay home from school for the week." Dr. Edwards said. "Aria will need time to adjust to the new dose. I will write an excuse note for Aria's school."

Lindsey and Stevie thanked Dr. Edwards and Aria gave her doctor a hug.

They made it home by 3 pm and Aria felt tired but positive about her visit with her doctor.

Aria played on the floor with Sulamith in the living room while Lindsey and Stevie on the sofa relaxing. Lindsey held Stevie in his arms.

They were both relieved and hoped that with the new dose of Aria's medication would keep the seizures away.

*Months Pass*

The Buckingham's spent their Christmas and New Years together. Things were just marching on as usual and it was now May 15, 2000.

Aria has been seizure free since her medication dose was increased. It did take her body a while to adjust to the new dose and she had had a few seizures here and there. So, it took her a while to become her usual self again.

Sara's wedding day had arrived and everyone was filled with excitement and joy.

Her color scheme was white, purple and black. Her bridesmaids dresses were black and of course, all her sisters were bridesmaids. Except for Aria; she was the flower girl.

The only one that had a problem with wearing a dress was Isabella. She threw a fit, but was quickly talked into wearing the dress. She decided not to fight it any longer. It was only for one night so, she was finally okay with it.

Sara's dress was made by Margi Kent. It was a white bohemian type dress and it was beautiful. Aria's dress was similar to Sara's wedding dress but was made just for her.

The whole house was filled with movement. Everyone was getting ready upstairs while Karen handled everything downstairs such as the catering, decorations and such.

Since Stevie's bedroom was bigger, all the women were upstairs getting ready while the men were getting ready in one of the guest rooms.

Stevie was in the middle of dressing Aria and once she was dressed, she sent Aria to get her hair done.

Stevie has hired two hair dressers so everyone could get their hair done in time for the wedding.

Sara was currently getting her hair done and was talking to her best friend who was a bridesmaid.

Aria sat on the chair close by and the hair dresser got to work.

Stevie had her hair done and was now going around the room making sure all of her daughters were dressed.

Stevie then put on her own dress then she put on her jewelry.

Stevie then walked out of her closet and now it was finally time to help Sara into her dress.

Stevie and Rhiannon along with Margi, helped Sara get dressed.

Once Sara was zipped up, Stevie stood back and tears of both joy and sadness appeared in her eyes.

She was happy for her eldest daughter but also sad. Her baby girl was all grown up.

"Mom, don't cry." Sara said with a gentle smile. She too was trying to keep her tears at bay. She wiped Stevie's tears away with her thumbs and continued. "Its a happy day."
Stevie shook her head and said. "I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm so happy for you and I am so proud of the woman you grew up to be."

Sara couldn't hold her tears any longer. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she hugged Stevie tightly.

"I love you, mama." Sara said.
"I love you too, my sweet girl." Stevie said.

Everyone in the room gave them their moment then once they let go of each other, their makeup was touched up. The makeup artist made sure to put on waterproof mascara and eyeliner in case they cried again. Which she was certain they would.

Before they knew it, everyone got into their places and Lindsey waited for Sara in the hallway.

He looked at himself in the mirror that was hanging in the hallway and made sure his tuxedo was straight.

He straightened up his tie then he looked up to see Sara waking towards him.

His heart gave a squeeze; this was his first born and little girl. She looked so beautiful and so grown up. Lindsey teared up and smiled at his daughter.

"Hi, daddy." Sara said shyly.
"Hey, princess." Lindsey said quietly. "Wow, you look so beautiful. I can't believe you're getting married. But, I am so happy for you and Michael. I love you, Sara."
Sara breathed in to keep her tears away and replied. "I love you too, daddy."

Lindsey reached over and pulled Sara into a hug. Lindsey held his daughter close to him and cherished this moment.

When they let go, it was now time for Lindsey to walk his daughter down the aisle.

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