I Will Still Love You

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After letting go of the curtain of the window, Sara rushed over to the bed and curled into a ball.

In the back of her mind, she knew her reaction was irrational. She should be happy for her parents but the pain of losing her baby clouded her mind.

She was feeling many emotions at the moment; she felt sadness, anger, a little happiness that she was getting a new sibling but mostly heartache.

Sara sobbed and soon she felt Michael wrap his arms around her. He laid down next to her and she turned over then buried her head in his chest.

She cried her heart out and also, she couldn't help but feel bad about what she said to her mother. She couldn't keep the image of her mother's face; tears rolling down her cheeks and the sadness in her eyes, out of her mind.

Stevie had stopped crying once they reach their home. She didn't want to worry her girls about why she was crying.

She and Lindsey will be telling the rest of their daughters tomorrow after school about the pregnancy.

For now, Stevie walked up to her bedroom while Lindsey checked on his daughters.

The younger four girls were fast asleep and the older girls were hanging out in Rhiannon's room.

"Hey, dad!" They said in unison.
"Hey, girls." Lindsey replied. "How did everything go?"
"Everything went good." Rhiannon said. "Everyone finished their homework, we had dinner and then we put them to bed."
"That's good. Thanks." Lindsey said. "Your mother and I are headed to bed now. Don't stay up too late. Okay, girls?"

"Yes, dad." They said in unison.

Lindsey said goodnight to his daughters then he walked to his and Stevie's bedroom.

Stevie was walking out of the bathroom. She had just got done with her nightly routine. She was now makeup free and she had changed into a nightgown.

Her eyes were still red and swollen. But she has stopped crying now. She felt exhausted. Both physically and emotionally.

Stevie got into bed without saying a word. She just wanted to sleep so she could forget the look of sadness that was on her daughter's face.

However, Stevie didn't get much sleep. No mater what she tried, she just couldn't seem to calm her restless mind.

The next day, Stevie stayed in bed all day. She caught up on much needed sleep.

Before the girls got home from school, Stevie made herself presentable.

Once again, she hid her bump with layers of clothing.

She walked downstairs to eat something light. She wasn't very hungry but she knew she needed to eat something.

She decided to eat some fresh fruit and a yogurt for now. She was cutting up an apple when Lindsey walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. His hands resting on her belly.

"How are you feeling, angel?" He asked, then he placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"I'm okay." Stevie said as she laid down the knife. "I...I'm still heartbroken about Sara's reaction. But, I know I can't dwell on it right now. I have to keep going for these two." She placed her hands over Lindsey's hand and gave them a gentle squeeze. "I just hope she doesn't stay away for too long. My heart couldn't take that."
"She'll come around soon." Lindsey said, encouragingly.

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