The Check Up

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After her seizure, Aria was exhausted and didn't want to let go of Stevie.
Stevie carried her to hers and Lindsey's bedroom.

She placed Aria on top of the bed and climbed in with her. Aria cuddled up against Stevie and closed her eyes.

"Get some sleep my sweet girl." Stevie said as she brushed her hand through Aria's hair. "I love you."
"I love you too, mommy." Aria replied in a whisper.

Just then, Sulamith, the family dog, but, was more of Stevie's dog, jumped up onto the bed. She could sense Aria wasn't feeling well, so she curled up against Aria and tried to comfort her the best way she knew how.

Stevie smiled a little at Sulamith, she patted her little head then turned her attention back to her daughter.

Aria fell right to sleep and Stevie let more tears fall. She silently cried as she held Aria.

She remembered Aria's first seizure and how scared out of her mind she was as she watched her two year old's body lock up and seize on the floor.

Stevie really thought that they had Aria's epilepsy under control just like Lindsey's. Aria was put on a medication that up until this moment, had been working well.

After checking if his girls were alright and catching Rhiannon up on what happened, Lindsey walked into the bedroom and laid on his side of the bed.

He gently stroked Aria's cheek then looked up at Stevie. "Dr. Edwards will see us in the morning. She said for us to just keep a close on her for now on."

Stevie nodded as she looked up at him. Lindsey was looking at Aria with an expression that Stevie knew well.

"Linds..." she said quietly. "It's not your fault."
"I can't help but feel that way, Steph." Lindsey replied. "I passed this down to her. It's my fault that she has to live with this now."

"Lindsey, again, this isn't your fault." Stevie said soothingly. "You had no control over this."

Lindsey sighed sadly then looked up at Stevie.
Stevie brought her hand up and caressed his cheek. "It's going to be okay. We just have to keep our thoughts positive and pray that our baby girl will get through this. Dr. Edwards will help Aria, just like she helped us when she was first diagnosed."

Lindsey gently grabbed her hand that was on his cheek and brought it to his lips then placed a kiss on it. Stevie smiled a little at him and he at her.

Lindsey did blame himself for passing on epilepsy down to his daughter but he knew deep down that what Stevie said was true. It wasn't his fault.

After Aria's nap, she was glued to Stevie's side. She wanted to be carried everywhere by her mother. Or be close to Stevie at all times.

Aria hardly remembered her seizures from when she was two years old, but knew that she had epilepsy and that she would "shake" when she had them.

Now that she was more aware, Aria was scared. In that moment as she seized, Aria felt so trapped in her own body. As much as she wanted to call out for her mommy, she just couldn't. She was now terrified.

Also, now, she felt sluggish and just wanted to lay down or sit on her mother's lap.

By this time, Lillian had gotten home and had heard about Aria's seizure. She hugged Aria and told her everything was going to be okay.

It was now dinner time. Stevie was supposed to make dinner but, with Aria not wanting to let go of Stevie, she wasn't able to. So, Lindsey went out to bring back some take out.

As they waited for Lindsey to come home, Sara had arrived. She was going to spend the rest of the evening with her family since Michael has to work late.

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