Let's Go

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Sara told Lindsey that Stevie was in her room and he took off immediately.

When he got there, he kneeled down beside Stevie and gently began pat her cheeks. She was very pale.

"Stephanie, wake up, angel." Lindsey said urgently. On the inside, he was a ball of nerves and fear. On the outside, he remained calm.

Stevie stirred but didn't wake up. Lindsey gathered Stevie into his arms and carried her into their bedroom.

All the girls were following close behind. Robin carried a scared and crying Aria in her arms.

Sara turned to her sisters and said. "Robin, Rhiannon, please take everyone downstairs. Everything is going to fine."

Rhiannon and Robin nodded and took their little sisters downstairs to wait.

Sara then rushed into her parents bedroom. Stevie was now lying in bed, Lindsey was sitting close to her.

Sara stood close and saw her mother's eyes begin to flutter open.

Stevie groaned and said. "What...what happened?" Her eyes finally settled on Lindsey.
"You fainted in Sara's room." Lindsey replied. "It's no wonder. You were running off fumes."

Stevie groaned again then said. "I...I think I'm gonna throw up."

Sara rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a small trash bin then rushed back to her mother's side.

Sara made it back just in time. As soon as she gave the trash bin to Stevie, Stevie vomited into the trash bin.

Once she was done, she laid back against the headboard of her bed and sighed.

"Well, it finally got me." Stevie said speaking of the stomach bug. "Sara, you stay away. At least me. I don't want you to get sick too."
"I don't care if I get sick. I am going to take care of you." Sara said.

"We all are." Lindsey said. "You took care of all of us when we were sick and now, we are going to take care of you."
Stevie smiled a little through her tears and said. "I love you. I love all of you."

"We love you too. Now, let's get you changed into a nightgown then back into bed." Lindsey said.

Once Stevie had regained some of her color back and had changed into a nightgown, she laid in bed feeling a bit better.

Soon she was surrounded by all her daughters in her bed. They all were relieved their mother was going to be okay. They just were upset that she was sick. But they knew she would recover soon.

After a quick shower, Sara felt the need to be helpful. She took care of Stevie as well as her sisters.

Seeing Stevie faint then be so sick, woke her up in a way. It was as if life was telling her to cherish and love the loved ones that were still with her on this earth.

Stevie was well taken care of by her family. Despite feeling so sick, she felt blessed and she felt the love her family had for her.

Three days later, Stevie was still lying in bed and still feeling sick. She couldn't understand what was going on. The 24 hour mark was way beyond up.

Stevie was feeling exhausted and was vomiting throughout the day.

Sara and Lindsey took care of things around the house. They were really concerned for Stevie.

When Michael was over for dinner, he suggested that if this bug didn't go away by the next day, Stevie should see her doctor as soon as possible.

Stevie agreed and made an appointment just in case for the next day.

Apart from Stevie being sick, Sara had made some progress. She put her energy into taking care of her mother and sisters.

Michael was happy to see some life in Sara again. He too was concerned that Stevie was sick, but he couldn't help but feel a little glad. Because of Stevie being sick, Sara was actually living again. Also, Sara was close to wanting to go home with Michael.

That night, Stevie was in the bathroom leaning over the towel bowl yet again. She didn't understand why everyone else got better from the stomach bug, but she hadn't.

Lindsey was there next to her, holding her hair back with one hand and rubbing her back with the other.

Once she was done, Stevie flushed the toilet and sat back panting for breath.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Lindsey took Stevie into his arms and she leaned into his chest.

"I don't understand." Stevie sobbed. She was tired of not being able to eat. She was tired of the vomiting. She was starting to fear that there was something more serious that was wrong with her. "Why am I still sick?"
"Steph, I think we should go to the emergency room." Lindsey said. "This has gone on too long for this to be what we all had."

Stevie had wanted to wait to see her usual doctor, but she was desperate for some relief and she wanted to know what was wrong with her.

Stevie nodded her head weakly. Lindsey kissed the top of her head then stood up. He then helped Stevie up.

Lindsey helped her brush her teeth since she felt so weak. Stevie brushed her hair then tied it up into a ponytail.

Lindsey helped her into black leggings and a black blouse. Stevie then slipped into some black flat shoes.

Lindsey made her sit down on their bed for a minute while he went to speak to Sara and Rhiannon who were still up.

After he told them where he and Stevie were going, they walked back with Lindsey to see their mother before she left.

They gave her hugs and kisses and wished her well.

"We love you, mama." Sara said as she hugged Stevie. Rhiannon hugged her well.
"I love you all too." Stevie said weakly. Tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Lindsey then helped Stevie stand and said. "Let's go, Angel."

Stevie nodded and off they went.

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