What Are You Thinking?

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Stevie gasp and her eyes went wide. Surely she heard wrong.

"You must be mistaken. I can't be pregnant!" Stevie said in shock. "I...I just turned 52 this year! My periods are irregular and my doctor said I was going through menopause! I have gained some weigh, but I assumed it was because of the menopause. Oh gosh! I've had seven children, I should have figured it out that I was pregnant. I didn't...I didn't even think to come to that conclusion."
"Steph, calm down." Lindsey said softly. He too was just as shocked.

"Well, you can still have a period during menopause. So you can still ovulate." Dr. Phillips said. "How long have you been going through menopause?"
"Uh...um...I saw my doctor during the summer before we left on our family trip to Hawaii." Stevie said; her head still reeling. "She told me I was in the beginning of going through it."

Dr. Phillips nodded and said. "Summer was a few months ago. So it's still possible for you to get pregnant. You have to go through 12 consecutive months in order to be menopausal."

Stevie felt the room spinning. She laid her bed back and closed her eyes. She didn't know how to feel. Should she be happy or not? She was feeling so many emotions.

"Mrs. Buckingham, I am going to keep you overnight, then in the morning I will release you." He said. Stevie opened her eyes and looked at the doctor, then he continued. "I'll write you a prescription for prenatal vitamins and I suggest that you make an appointment with your OBGYN as soon as possible. You are considered high risk. So, you have a decision to make whether to keep the baby or not. If you do keep the baby, then you and your doctor have to go over a plan to get you through this pregnancy without any problems."

Stevie just nodded and the doctor excused himself.

Once he left, Lindsey sat by Stevie on her bed and said. "Stephanie...what are you thinking?"
Stevie chewed on her bottom lip then said. "I honestly don't know how to feel. Should I be happy? How am I going to tell Sara!? She just went through a miscarriage. She is not going to take this news well." Stevie's tears rolled down her cheeks. "What if something goes wrong?"

Lindsey grabbed her hand with one of his then caressed her cheek with the other. "Hey...it'll be okay. We'll cross each bridge when it we come to them." He said. "Aren't you a little excited?" He smiled wide. "This is a blessing, Steph."

Stevie looked into Lindsey's eyes and saw so much love. He was helping her feel a little better because he seemed so happy about this.

"Well, I guess a little." She said. "Linds...we're going to have eight kids!" Her eyes went wide.
Lindsey raised his eyebrows and said. "God, help us!"

They both laughed then once they stopped, Lindsey leaned in and kissed Stevie's lips.

"I love you, Mrs. Buckingham." Lindsey said as he touched his forehead with hers.
"I love you too, Mr. Buckingham." Stevie replied with a giggle and with smile on her face.

Lindsey called the house some time later, hoping Sara or Rhiannon were awake.

Sara answered and Lindsey filled her in on what was going on, minus the news they just received.

"The doctor said that your mother just pushed herself too hard taking care of all us while we were sick." Lindsey explained. "She's getting some medication through an I.V. and some time in the morning she should be released. So, in case we don't make it back on time, can you, Rhiannon and Robin get everyone ready for school? It's everyone's first day back at school since being sick."
"I'm glad mom is alright." Sara said feeling relieved. "And of course. We'll take care of everything!"

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