Don't Want To Disappoint

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*17 weeks pregnant*
*October 3*

Today was Lindsey's 51'st birthday, and it fell on a week day. Usually, Stevie would throw Lindsey a birthday party on the weekend after his birthday if it fell on a week day.

Lindsey didn't want Stevie to throw him a party this year because he didn't want her to have to stress over the planning. Stevie insisted that she didn't mind and that she wanted to do it. They argued a bit about it and finally Stevie agreed not to throw one this year.

So, they decided that they would go out to Lindsey's favorite restaurant to have dinner to celebrate. Stevie said she would make it up to him next year.

Christine, Mick and John would be joining the family for the small celebration and they would all met at the restaurant.

Stevie called ahead and booked the back of the restaurant so they wouldn't be disturbed by anyone.

They were able to get into the restaurant without being seen and soon they were sitting around the table ordering something to drink.

They looked over the menu then a few minutes later, they ordered their food.

They all sat around and talked as they waited for their food to be brought out to them. Christine was asking Stevie how she was doing and Lindsey, John and Mick were having their own conversation. The girls talked amongst themselves.

The night went well; Lindsey had a good time being with his wife and daughters and his bandmates/friends.

They ate dinner and continued talking about different subjects. After eating, everyone sang Happy Birthday to Lindsey. They then ate cake and soon, Lindsey invited Christine, Mick and John to the house to continue his birthday celebration. He would be opening gifts and just hanging around having some drinks.

The adults drank minus Stevie of course and the children were doing their own thing, having conversations with one another.

"So, have you and Lindsey found out what these two are?" Christine asked looking at Stevie's belly.
"No, not yet." Stevie replied as she put her hand on her belly. "My Doctor couldn't get a good view of these two. Plus, it's a bit early to tell. Hopefully on our next appointment we'll find out."
"May I?" Christine asked as she put her hand out towards Stevie's bump.
"Of course!" Stevie said with a smile as she grabbed Christine's hand and placed it on her belly.

Christine smiled wide as she felt the twins kick and move around. Christine takes her back after a moment, and said. "I still can't believe you're doing this again! This is so exciting."

"I know. Me either." Stevie chuckled as she sat back. "But I'm so happy. They move so much. I think you and everyone can feel them because there are two of them in there." She giggles. "With each of my pregnancies, I didn't feel my girls kick until I was at least 20 weeks."

Christine smiled and said. "That must be it." She chuckled.

Before they knew it, everyone finished their meal and were ready to go home.

Mick, John and Christine left first. They would meet them at the Buckingham house and the Buckingham's were getting their things together. Soon they made their way outside and were caught of guard by flashes from cameras going off.

The girls were used to this and just walked on. Same with Stevie and Lindsey who were walking hand in hand. They just smiled and kept on.

They all called out: Happy Birthday, Lindsey!Then the questions came when some noticed Stevie's belly.

That's when Stevie looked at Lindsey. She whispered in his ear and he nodded. He told their daughters to get into their SUV's while he and Stevie walked up to the paparazzi.

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