We Need to Talk

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Lindsey shook his head again in shame at himself and said, "Why did I say that? Why did I think that if I didn't have a son the world was ending? God, what a jerk I used to be." Lindsey then got emotional and tears appeared in his eyes. "I love all my girls and if these babies are girls too then that's okay. I love them unconditionally."

Lindsey had tears in his eyes and looked down. "I guess the reason why was because I wanted to name him after my father or at least honor my father in some way. Also, to carry on the family name."

"Don't beat yourself up, mate." Mick said. "I'm sorry I brought it up. I was only joking really. But I now realize it wasn't funny at all. Again I'm sorry. I think another part of why you  thought that way is, is back then while we were growing up, we were told about how important it was, as you said to carry on the family name. It's the "old school", as the kids call it, way of thinking of having a male "heir". It shouldn't matter. I have daughters too and I love them very much."

"It's okay." Lindsey said. "I'm just glad that I don't feel that way anymore and I think you're right. But again, I love my daughters so very much and I wouldn't change any of them for anything in this world. I'm excited for these babies and again if they are girls, it's not the end of the world. I have my family. That's all I need."

Mick nods and they move on to a new subject.

Stevie had wore herself out from crying and she fell asleep.

Back downstairs, Lindsey and Mick talked until the girls came home from school.

They all said hello to their uncle Mick then they rushed upstairs to change out of their school uniforms.

Aria of course went to find her mother. She opened the door to her parents bedroom and peeked in.

She saw her mother sleeping, so she quietly walked in and climbed up onto the bed. She then cuddled up next to Stevie. She made sure to be careful not wake her mother and soon she drifted off to sleep too.

Stevie woke up twenty minutes later and felt someone next to her. She looked beside her and saw Aria. She smiled a little then placed a kiss on Aria's forehead. She sighed then just rested her eyes.

Thoughts of what she has heard Lindsey say came rushing back to her and she began to feel horrible again. Why couldn't they have a boy? Thoughts of the past came surging back. The feeling of Lindsey making her feel like she was the one that had failed.

She didn't want to hope on this pregnancy because on her previous pregnancies she was slightly crushed. She loved her girls and she wouldn't wish for things to be different. But it was the fact and disappointment that Lindsey was still that jerk hoping for a boy.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she silently cried and she gently brought Aria into her arms and held her close. They stayed that way until it was close to dinner time. Her tears were dried by then but she was still upset.

Mick stayed for dinner and throughout the evening, Stevie ignored Lindsey while she acknowledged Mick. Mick felt the tension between the two but of course he didn't say anything. He tried his best to get Stevie to talk to Lindsey. It didn't work.

Lindsey would try to be affectionate towards her or place his hand on her belly to feel the babies. But each time, Stevie would move away or take his hand away from her belly.

Lindsey was perplexed as to why Stevie was being cold towards him. The girls took notice and the older girls looked at each other, giving a knowing look to one another.

They knew that their father had made their mother upset. They just didn't know what he did this time.

After dinner, the girls helped clean up and Mick said goodbye to the Buckingham's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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