What Is That?

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*Two Weeks Later*

Sara was finally home and was doing well. However, her first night back home was the hardest.

Sara had gone into the baby's nursery and sunk to the floor. She grieved as she had never grieved before.

Michael was by her side, sitting with her on the ground as they both sobbed. He held her close and she buried her head in his chest.

After an hour of sitting on the floor of the nursery, Sara stood up and went around the room and touched everything. She felt the need to touch every item that was supposed to belong to the baby.

Sometime during the first week home, she and Michael packed away the things they wanted to donate.

Sara was so glad to have Michael by her side. He was so supportive and so so loving.

Before sending the boxes of things to find new owners, Sara told Michael that she wanted to name the baby Avery.

Since they didn't know what the was, Sara picked Avery because it was gender neutral and it was a beautiful name to her.

Finally, Michael drove to the nearest donation spot and he and Sara gave the boxes to the volunteers.

When they drove away, Sara knew Avery would be a missing piece of her heart and that she would never forget them. But, she felt much lighter and she was ready to see what her future would bring her.

It's been two weeks since Stevie's first appointment with Dr. Grey. Her next appointment was today.

Stevie was now eight weeks pregnant and so far, she was able to hide that fact. She also hid her morning sickness well, but she finding it to be difficult at times. Lindsey would have to distract his daughters in some way so Stevie could sneak away to the bathroom.

Stevie's belly was beginning to pop just a bit and she was surprised it was starting to show so soon. Usually, it wasn't till her fourth month that she would show. She was just glad she was able to hide her bump with her clothing.

"Stevie!?" Lindsey called out.

It was a weekday and all the girls were at school. It was just him and Stevie at home.

He walked into their bedroom and found the room empty. He then heard retching noises coming from bathroom.

His heart ached for Stevie. She had been so sick due to morning sickness.

He crept into the bathroom and sat beside her on the floor.

Stevie was now dry heaving into the toilet bowl having already emptied the contents of her stomach.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and sweat was apparent on her forehead.

Lindsey rubbed her back in gentle circles with one hand and with the other he kept her hair pulled away so it wouldn't get dirty.

Stevie finally stopped and she flushed the toilet. She then sat back and she tried to catch her breath.

She looked at Lindsey with tired eyes, tears still rolling down her cheeks and he pulled her close. She rested her head on Lindsey's shoulder.

"I don't understand." Stevie said in weak voice. "I don't remember morning sickness being this bad. The anti nausea medication isn't working. What if something is wrong?"
"I'm sure everything is fine. You should tell Dr. Grey what's going on." Lindsey said. "Maybe she can give you something stronger."

Stevie sighed; she was finally getting her bearings again. With Lindsey's help, she stood up, walked over to the sink and brushed her teeth.

Soon, they were in the car and on their way to Stevie's appointment.

When they arrived, Stevie signed in and they waited in the waiting room.

After fifteen minutes of waiting, Stevie was finally called back.

Dr. Grey checked Stevie's vitals and now asked Stevie how she was feeling.

"Well...I feel so exhausted." Stevie said. "This pregnancy is so different from the previous ones. Not only am I tired all the time, morning sickness has not treated me too kindly. I can't keep anything down. The medication you prescribed me isn't working."
"Every pregnancy is different." Meredith said. But, if the morning sickness continues to be this bad then I'll suggest an extra dose of the anti nausea medication to help give a bit of relief."
"Thank you." Stevie sighed.

Dr. Grey set up the ultrasound machine and Stevie laid back on the exam table. She lifted her blouse to expose her small bump.

Dr. Grey began the exam and she concentrated what was on the screen.

Stevie smiled at the screen. The pea size being was now a bit bigger than the last time she saw it. It was now the size of a raspberry. She felt some relief knowing the baby was still growing.

Just then, Stevie's eyebrows furrowed and so did Dr. Grey's. Lindsey raised an eyebrow.

"What...what is that?!" Stevie asked in shock; she already knew, but she wanted to hear it confirmed by Dr. Grey.

"Oh, wow!" Dr. Grey said as she stared at the screen. She chuckled and then said. "Congratulations, again. You're having twins! This one must have been hiding the last time you were here." She points at the screen at the second raspberry size being on the screen.

Stevie's eyes went wide and so did Lindsey's.

"Twins!" Stevie breathed. "Oh my goodness! Linds?"

Stevie looked over at Lindsey. He was staring at the screen unblinking.

"Nine..." He said in a daze with a humorless chuckle. "We'll have nine kids, Stephanie! Wow..."

Stevie gasped when Lindsey's body suddenly crumbled to the floor.

"Lindsey!" Stevie yelled.

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