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*2 weeks later*
*15 weeks pregnant*

By now, Stevie and Lindsey have already called all their family and friends to announce their news.

Of course, most of the reactions were shocked reactions. But after the initial shock, everyone was happy for Stevie and Lindsey. They were all excited for the newest additions to the Buckingham family.

Although, there were a few people like Stevie's parents that were worried about Stevie. Because of her age and now a twin pregnancy, they were concerned. However, they didn't voice this to Stevie.

Even though they were concerned, they were nonetheless very excited for two new grandchildren.

It seemed now that they told everyone the news, Stevie's belly really popped and it was now noticeable. It was very hard to hide.

It was a Sunday and the Buckingham family were swimming in the pool while Stevie was inside making some snacks for the girls. She made sweet tea and lemonade for their beverages.

Stevie didn't feel like getting in the pool, so she wore a dark blue sundress and some sandals. She was makeup free and her hair was piled up on her head in a loose bun.

After she finished putting everything on a tray, she picked up the house phone and dialed Sara's number.

"Hello?" Michael answers the phone.
"Hi, Michael. Um, is Sara home?" She asked timidly.
"I'm sorry, Stevie. She's not here." Michael replied.

Stevie sighed sadly and tears appeared in her eyes.

This has been going on for the past two weeks. Michael would answer the phone and say that Sara was either asleep, working or simply not at home.

"Michael...please tell Sara that...that I miss her so much." Stevie said with emotion in her voice. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "And...and tell her that I love her. Okay?"

Michael sighed silently. He hated that Sara was treating her mother this way. In each phone call he heard the desperation, and sadness in Stevie's voice.

"Of course, I'll tell her, Stevie." He said gently.
"Thank you, Michael." Stevie said dejectedly.

Stevie hung up the phone and silently sobbed. She leaned against the wall and prayed silently that Sara would come around soon and call her.

Stevie gave herself a few minutes to cry then she calmed herself down and continued on with her day.

Michael put the phone back on the receiver and sighed. He looked over at Sara who was looking down at the book she had in her hands. He could tell she heard him on the phone and that she was pretending to read.

"Sara?" He said.
"Not now, I'm reading." She replied.

Michael sighed again and stood up. He walked over to the sofa that Sara was sitting on and sat down next to her.

"No you're not." He said as he carefully removed the book from her hands. He put her bookmark inside then closed it. He placed it on the coffee table in front of them then looked over at Sara and said. "Your mom said that she misses you and she loves you."

Tears formed in Sara's eyes but willed them to not to fall.

"Sara...I lost a child too. It was one of the most horrible and painful things I've been through." He said gently. "For you, it must feel ten times worse. Just know that you are not alone." He takes her hands in his and held them. Sara's tears now rolled down her cheeks. "She also knows how you feel. She lost a baby too. can't take this out on your mother. I'm sure this pregnancy was a big surprise for her. Do you honestly think that your mom would get pregnant just to hurt you?"

Sara shook her head no.

"Of course she wouldn't!" Michael said. "Sara, you should hear her voice when she calls. It's filled with pain and sadness. She misses you, honey."

Sara lunged herself into Michael's arms and sobbed.

"I miss her too!" Sara sobbed. "It's just...It was just a shock and I was not expecting that news. I know I shouldn't act this way. But...I can't help it."
"I know." Michael said as he rocked her back and forth. "Hey, why don't we go over and visit? Just to talk things out? Do you think you're ready?"

Sara sighed and she was now calming down from sobbing. "No. But, as you said, I can't take this out on my mom. So, yes I think we should visit."

Michale smiled as he pulled Sara away far enough to place a kiss on her lips. "Alright! Let's freshen up then we'll head on over."

Sara nodded then she and Michael went to their bedroom to freshen up.

Stevie was sitting underneath a huge umbrella and lounging on a lounge chair close by the pool.

She smiled as she watched her girls swimming and playing in the pool. The girls sliding down the water slide and into the pool.

Stevie's hand was glued to her belly. The other would occasionally reach for her sweet tea that she was drinking.

She pushed Sara from her mind for now. She just wanted to be in the moment with her family and enjoy the day.

Lindsey swam to the edge of the pool to get out and get something to drink. He dried himself off with a towel then he walked over to where Stevie was.

He smiled at her and she smiled at him. He kissed her lips then he grabbed a glass then poured himself some lemonade.

Suddenly, Stevie gasped then giggled.

"Stevie, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly as he put down the pitcher of lemonade and glass.

He walked over to her and hovered over her.

She smiled and grabbed his hand. She guided it to her belly and a few seconds later, tiny kicks could be felt through her belly.

"They're kicking, Linds!" Stevie said excitedly with tears in her eyes.

Lindsey kneeled down and put his other hand on her belly, now feeling both babies kick. He smiled up at Stevie and said. "This is so amazing! I love you, Stephanie."
"I love you too, Lindsey" she said, her smile never leaving her face.

Lindsey then placed kisses on Stevie's belly and he said. "Well, hello you two! It's so great to finally be able to feel you. Wow..." he looked up at Stevie and continued. "I'm so happy we have this chance to do this all over again. I can't wait to meet them."

Stevie smiled through her tears and caressed Lindsey's cheek. "Me too, Linds." She said.

They had their moment just feeling the babies kick. Then Isabella and Aria called Lindsey over to come back into the pool with them.

Lindsey kissed Stevie one last time then he rushed back to the pool with his daughters. He too used the water slide to get back into the pool.

After some time, Stevie stands up and picks up the tray that had been filled with snacks for the girls.

She takes the now empty tray and takes it to the kitchen. She walks over to the sink and begins to wash the empty plates when she hears the doorbell.

She shuts the water off then dries her hands on a towel. She walks over to the front door and looks through the peephole to see who it was.

Stevie gasped when she saw Sara standing behind the closed door.

She quickly opens the door and Sara immediately wraps her arms around her mother.

"Mom!" Sara said as she sobs.

Stevie wraps her arms around Sara and holds her tight. Tears rolls down Stevie's cheeks. It felt so good to hug Sara again.

Now mother and daughter cried in each other's arms, not wanting to ever let go.

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