I Give You My Word

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Some time later, Stevie manages to have her relaxing bath before her daughters come home.

Lindsey showers in the guest bedroom to give his wife some time for herself.

After her bath, Stevie puts on some comfortable clothes for now.

She then walks to the kitchen to make herself some tea. As she pours herself come tea, Stevie hears the front door open and knows her children are home. She could hear their voices coming from the front door.

Rhiannon walks into the kitchen, her little sisters following close behind. She usually picks up her sisters from school after her own classes at a local L.A. college. She is majoring in English and Literature so she can become an English school teacher.

"Hey, mom." Rhiannon said as she hugged Stevie.
"Hi, my sweet girl." Stevie replied.

Just then, she was surrounded by all her girls and all gave Stevie a hug and kiss on her cheek.

Once they give their mom a greeting, all girls go up to their own rooms to change out of their school uniforms.

Rhiannon is 19 years old now. She doesn't have to wear a school uniform anymore, but goes to her room to relax a little before the Halloween party.

Robin walks into her room and closes her bedroom door. She puts down her backpack and rushed to her closet.

Robin hated wearing a school uniform. She wasn't able to express herself. As soon as she would get home from school and during the weekends, Robin would change into her clothes that helped be herself. She is now 16 years old.

Just like her mother, Robin loves wearing black. She was also into Goth music. Her walls were covered with posters of not only Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers but of her favorite Goth bands. Which were, The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Sisters of Mercy, The Smiths, The Clan of Xymox, Switch Blade Symphony and Bauhaus. She listened to more Goth bands, but those were top favorites.

Robin grabbed her favorite The Cure T-shirt, black tights and pulled them on. She was soon relaxing on her bed and listening to Sisters of Mercy.

It was a Friday, so she and her sisters weren't too worried about doing their homework. All were too excited for the Halloween party that would be taking place later that night.

Lillian is 14 years old. When she walked into her room and quickly changed into her regular clothes. Then she went through her closet to decide which costume she would wear to the party. It was either between Tinker Bell or Cher from the movie Clueless.

Destiny is 10 years old. After changing into comfortable clothes, she sits on her bed and opens her new book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Destiny loves to read. Her sisters do too, but she's the bookworm of the family. Her nose is always in a book. She got into the Harry Potter series and fell in love with the wizarding world.
She decided to read a few chapters before the party.

Isabella is 7 years old. She is so different from her sisters. She is a tomboy. She loves playing outside and getting dirty and she loves sports. She changes into a baggy T-shirt and shorts then wears a baseball cap backwards.

Isabella then grabs her baseball mitt and baseball. She throws it up into the air and catches it in her glove. Usually she and Lindsey would play catch in the backyard after school but the backyard is decorated for the party, so she has to make due with playing in her room.

The backyard would be for the children and teenagers. There is games set up and a small haunted house was placed for the teens to go inside of.

Aria is 5 years old, the baby of the family and Stevie helped her change out of her school uniform. Aria wanted to wear her Halloween costume already, so Stevie allowed her to do so.

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