An Announcement

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Later that evening, Robin walked to Lillian's bedroom.

"How was school?" She asked as she walked over to Lillian's bed.
Lillian turned towards Robin with a smile. "It was actually okay. No one bothered me. But, it was only the first day of school, so..." she said with a shrug.
"Well, I'm glad it went well and I'm sure it'll be fine." Robin said.
"Thanks again for helping me feel better about today." Lillian said.
"You're welcome." Roving said with a smile.

Robin was glad she could help her sister build up some self confidence. Now, Robin hoped that things would continue to go well for Lillian.

*A week later*

It was now Saturday and Stevie and her older girls hung out in her bedroom while the younger girls were outside playing.

The only one who was missing was Sara. She and Michael would join the family later for dinner.

Destiny, Isabella and Aria were playing soccer. Isabella has recently asked her parents if she could join a soccer league. They said yes and found a soccer league for her to join.

Her first practice would be the following weekend.

Isabella of course was the tougher one of the three and was playing rather roughly. Aria was getting upset because she didn't get a chance to kick the ball.

"Bell! Ease up on Aria." Destiny said.
Isabella sighed and said. "Fine."

Isabella then toned it down a bit and allowed Aria to play with the ball a bit. Aria's mood increased and she smiled and laughed as she played with her big sisters.

Aria then passed the ball to Isabella. Isabella then kicked the ball into the net. They all cheered when she made the goal.

They continued to play for an hour before Stevie was calling them to come inside.

Stevie sent them to take baths because they were all sweaty. Rhiannon helped Aria bathe because Stevie had to start cooking dinner.

Lindsey walked into the kitchen and began to help Stevie cook.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Lindsey tells Stevie that he would get it.

Lindsey walks to the front door and greets his daughter and her husband.

They then walk to the kitchen and Stevie stops what she's doing and hugs Sara.

After Stevie lets go of Sara, she greets Michael then all the girls walk over to greet them.

Everyone then sets to work on getting the table set and Sara helps her mother serve everyone.

They all sit at the dinner table in the dining room and begin to eat.

After dinner before Stevie can serve dessert, Sara and Michael stand up and Michael says. "Everyone, Sara and I have an announcement."

Sara smiles and said. "Well, Michael and I have bought a house."
"That's wonderful." Stevie said.

Sara nodded and her smile grows. "Michael and I loved our apartment but, in seven months, we'll need something bigger."
Stevie gasped and tears sprung to her eyes. "Oh my goodness!" She said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Aria said as she looked at the tears rolling down her mother's cheeks then to her big sister.
Sara turned to her baby sister and said. "Aria...I'm going to have a baby. You're going to be an aunt."
"What!?" Aria exclaimed with a huge smile. "You're going to have baby!"

Aria jumped up and hugged Sara. Then she was surrounded by the rest of her family. They all congratulated the couple and everyone was just so so happy.

That night as Stevie and Lindsey laid in bed, Stevie couldn't help but go overboard talking about their future grandchild.

"I can't wait to start this new chapter with you, grandma." Lindsey said with smile.
Stevie's smile widened and she said with giggle. "Me too, grandpa."

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