I'm So Sorry

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Michael stood back and gave them some space.

Stevie pulled back first and said. "I'm so glad you're here! I missed you so much baby girl."
"I missed you too, mommy." Sara said with a smile.

Stevie turns to see Michael and greets him. she then thanks him for convincing Sara to come over. She closes the door then grabs Sara's hand and leads her to the living room.

They sit down on the sofa and Sara said. "Mom...I am so so sorry for shutting you out. I was too consumed with the heartache of losing my baby. I...I just couldn't believe that you're pregnant. I started to hate life in general and wonder what I did wrong. I don't mean this to come across as mean or harsh. But I wanted to know why you were pregnant at your age and why I couldn't keep my baby safe. Now I have realized that it's not fair for me to think this way and to treat you so badly. Please forgive me."

Stevie was too emotional to speak, so she once again hugged Sara tightly.

"Baby girl, there is nothing to forgive." Stevie said as she looked into Sara's eyes. "I understand how you feel. When I lost my baby at ten weeks...I...well, you remember how I just shut everyone out and wasn't myself. It took me a while to get back to how I used to be. However, it's still hard, even to this day, I still think about my baby every single day and that's okay. You will always have your baby on your mind and in your heart until the day you take your last breath." Stevie's tears rolled down her cheeks. "But, don't forget to live your life. Don't give up, sweet girl. I know one day, it'll be your turn."

Sara's tears matched Stevie's and she threw herself into her mother's arms. She sobbed into Stevie's chest and said. "I love you, Mom."

Stevie rocked Sara back and forth as if she were a small child.

"I love you too, Sara." Stevie said.

Michael watched on and he smiled with tears rolling down his face. He was glad he was able to talk Sara into coming. He knew this what Sara needed. Which was her mother.

He carefully stood up and left the room to go find Lindsey. He wanted to give Stevie and Sara some time alone to talk.

He walked through the kitchen and heard laughter coming from outside. He spotted everyone and walked through the sliding door.

Sara pulled away and wiped her tears. She smiled at her mother and said as she looked her mother over. "Wow! You've popped!" She chuckled. "How far along are you, again?"

Stevie smiled and said. "I am 15 weeks now."
"15 weeks? Are you sure?" Sara asked with another chuckle.

"I'm sure." Stevie said with a laugh. "It's just...well, your father and I didn't get a chance to tell you." She put her hand on her belly and said. "There's two babies in there. It's twins!"

Sara's eyes went wide and for a moment she felt that punch in the gut that she felt was life playing a trick on her.

But she quickly pushed the feeling away. She wasn't going to let that feeling tear her away from her mother again.

Sara's eyes relaxed and tears of happiness for her parents appeared. "Really!? Oh my goodness! I'm getting two new siblings." She said with giggle. "Uh...may I?" Sara asked as she motioned with her hands towards Stevie's belly.

Stevie smiled and nodded. "Of course!" She said as she reached for Sara's hands to bring them to her belly.

Stevie leaned back a bit, making her belly stick out a bit more and she placed Sara's hands where the twins were kicking.

Sara's tears rolled down her cheeks and she smiled wide. She felt the gentle kicks from both babies.

"Wow! This is amazing." Sara said with much emotion.
"They just started kicking today." Stevie said with chuckle as she too had tears matching Sara's.

"Hey little ones, I'm your big sister, Sara." Sara said to Stevie's belly. "I can't wait to meet the two of you."

Some time later, Stevie and Sara made their way to the backyard. They were met by Michael and Lindsey.

"Hi daddy!" Sara said as she hugged her father, not caring that he was still wet from the pool.
"Hey, sweet pea! We've missed you." Lindsey replied then gave Sara a kiss on the top of her head.
"I missed you all too." Sara said as she pulled away.

"Honey, your dad invited us to stay to swim and stay for dinner. He and I will fire up the grill and make some barbecue later." Michael said.
"That sounds great!" Sara said with a smile.

Soon, Sara and Michael had gone upstairs to Sara's old room and changed into some swimsuits that they had left behind in case of times like these.

They quickly joined the rest of the family and Sara was soon attacked with hugs and kisses from her sisters. They too had missed her.

Stevie's smile was wide as she looked at her family and she now felt as if her family was now complete.

Stevie decided to join her family in the pool. She wanted to be there with her daughters, husband and son in law.

Stevie carefully got into the pool with her sundress, not caring if it got soaked. She sat on the steps of the pool and Lindsey saw her.

He swam towards her and he smiled wide as soon as he reached her. He sat next to her and pulled her close to him.

Stevie laid her head on his shoulder and they watched their children contently.

"I love you, Mrs. Buckingham." Lindsey said.
Stevie sat up a bit and smiled up at Lindsey. "I love you too, Mr. Buckingham."

Lindsey kissed her lips and the two began to kiss intensely. They had lost track of where they were. They kiss became even more passionate.

Suddenly, they were splashed with water, soaking them. They pulled apart and gasped.

"Knock off you two!" Robin said. "Jeez! No wonder you two had so many of us and are still adding a two new family members."

"Ew! Robin, stop!" Lillian said as she made a face. Splashing her with water.

Sara, Rhiannon and Robin laughed as the younger girls had no idea why it was so funny. But they laughed anyway because their big sister Robin splashed their parents with water.

"Oh! You're going to get it!" Lindsey yelled out playfully.

He swam towards Robin as she swam away from him and soon they were in a water fight. Then all of them were splashing water towards one another.

Stevie's laughter could be heard throughout the backyard. Stevie held her belly, feeling the babies kick and move around.

Stevie was so glad to have Sara back in their life and she hoped things would go smoothly from here on out.

Hope you all are still enjoying this story. More to come soon!

Oh! I started a new Stevie Nicks story called Beautiful Child. Please check it out.

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