24 Hours

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Sara was inconsolable. It took a while to get her to calm down. Once she was calm, they were able to move her into a room. She would be staying the night at the hospital.

After Sara fell asleep, Stevie stepped out to find Lindsey. He was still in the dark of what was going on.

She found him, still in the emergency waiting room. Lindsey saw Stevie and he stood up. His brows furrowed as he saw tears rolling down her face.

He met her halfway and she lunged herself into his arms. He quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"She lost the baby, Linds." Stevie sobbed into Lindsey's chest. "There was no heartbeat."

Lindsey closed his eyes, his heart breaking. Tears quickly appeared in his eyes and they slowly made their way down his cheeks.

"Oh, Steph." Lindsey said in a whisper.

They stayed that for a moment. They held onto each other and just cried.

They pulled away after some time and Stevie said. "They are keeping Sara here overnight. They will perform a procedure in the morning to get the baby out. I'm going to stay with her."
"Of course." Lindsey said as he led Stevie to sit down. "I'll go home later and take care of things. I'll also tell the girls what happened. Then tomorrow after the girls leave for school, I'll bring you some clean clothes so you can change."

Stevie nodded her head and leaned into Lindsey. Her heart felt so heavy. Her heart broke for her daughter and the pain she was going through. It made her remember her own miscarriage and how she felt.

Stevie pushed away her own pain because she knew she had to be strong for Sara.

Lindsey was able to see Sara before he left. Sara sobbed in her father's arms and Stevie was close by on the other side of her.

Michael let them be for now and stayed sitting down on the chair close to Sara's bed. He had his head in his hands, his tears rolling down his cheeks.

He couldn't believe this was happening. They were so thrilled with becoming parents and now he and Sara just lost their child. It was beyond anything he had ever experienced.

The pain was too much, but he couldn't even imagine how Sara must be feeling. He knew it may be worst than him.

Stevie stayed the night with Sara and Michael in the hospital room.

The next morning, Lindsey came by after the girls went off to school. He brought Stevie clean clothes but she didn't changed until Sara was taken into the O.R.

All the girls were devastated for their big sister and were eager to see her and be there for Sara in her time of need.

Stevie and Lindsey kissed and hugged their daughter tight before she was taken to away to get the procedure done.

After Sara was taken away, Stevie was able to take a quick shower and change into fresh clothes.

Once she was done she brushed her hair quickly and let it dry into her natural curls.

She then sat next to Lindsey and they held onto each other. Stevie's tears didn't stop. She was very worried about her daughter.

Sara was released from the hospital two days later. She requested to stay with her parents. She had no desire to go home. That was the home she was supposed to bring her baby to once they were born.

Now, she felt she needed some time away from their house. Michael agreed and promised to visit when he wasn't working.

Sara settled into her old room and laid down on her bed. She sobbed until she fell asleep wishing she wouldn't ever wake up.

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