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*Ten weeks pregnant*

Today was a Saturday and it was game day for Isabella. Stevie and Lindsey would be going to watch their baby girl play her favorite sport.
Her sisters were also going to support her.

Sara and Michael were also there and Isabella was so happy to have her whole family there. It gave her the extra drive to give her all and win the game.

Of course, once they arrived at the soccer field, the family did get some stares since some parents knew who Lindsey and Stevie were.

But other than the stares they were getting, the Buckinghams were left alone.

Stevie hated being out in the sun, but for her baby girl, she would do anything. So, she put on some sunscreen and also, she brought an umbrella to protect her from the sun.

Same went for Robin. She had her black lace parasol to keep the sun away.

All the Buckingham girls were sitting on the bleachers and cheered for their sister.

As the game went on, Stevie was feeling a little tired. But she pushed the feeling away as best she could.

Aria was sitting in between Stevie and Lindsey. She looked over at her father and asked. "Daddy, I'm hungry. Can I have a hot dog, please?"

Lindsey looks over at Stevie and she nodded. Usually they ate foods that were healthy and Stevie tried to keep junk food out of the house.
Only letting her daughters have the occasional treat.

Lindsey then looks down at Aria and nods. "Okay, baby girl. Let's go." He said. He then turned to the other girls and asked. "Anyone want anything from the snack bar?"
"Oh! I'll go with you. I want some nachos!" Destiny said.
"Me too!" Lillian said as they stood up.

"Steph, do want anything?" Lindsey asked.
"Just a water, please." Stevie replied.
Lindsey nodded then he, Aria, Destiny and Lillian walked over to snack bar.

Stevie watched on as Isabella zoomed across the field and scored a point.

Stevie smiled wide and clapped for her baby girl. She was proud of her daughter and she could tell that Isabella felt so comfortable out on the soccer field.

A few minutes later, Lindsey, Aria, Destiny and Lillian all returned with their snacks and drinks.

Lindsey handed Stevie the water she asked for and she thanked him.

They all sat back down then they began to eat.

Aria was enjoying her hot dog; she swung her legs back and forth happily since her feet didn't touch the floor when suddenly, the smell drifted over to Stevie.

Stevie's stomach churned. She tried to push the nausea away but after a few short attempts she jumped up and handed her umbrella to Lindsey.

He look at her and knew what was going on. He wanted to follow her but he saw Robin rushing towards her mother.

Aria looked over Lindsey with a look of confusion.

"Daddy, is mommy okay?" She asked.
"Yes, baby girl. She's okay." He replied. "Don't worry."

Stevie tried to make it to the restrooms but she ended up vomiting into the nearest trash can. She hated the fact that she had to be doing this in a public place. But, thankfully there was no one around to see her.

Robin has followed Stevie and saw what was going on. She was worried about her mother.

Once Stevie stopped heaving, she now stepped back and tried to catch her breath.

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