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*13 Weeks pregnant*

Stevie was now in her second trimester and it was time to tell her daughters the news.

At her recent appointment, Dr. Grey said things were still going smoothly. But she would still keep an eye on Stevie and the twins.

The recent ultrasound showed how much bigger they have gotten since the last ultrasound.

Stevie and Lindsey loved seeing their babies on the screen wiggling around in the womb.

Stevie could now feel the tiny flutters of the twins moving. She loved the feeling and couldn't wait feel their first kicks.

Stevie's morning sickness had mellowed out a bit. It wasn't as bad as her first trimester, but she still had to deal with it.

Stevie was nervous to tell Sara the news. But she knew that she had to tell Sara in person.

Stevie and Lindsey invited Michael and Sara our for dinner. After they would go over to Sara and Michael's to tell them the news.

Now at thirteen weeks, Stevie's belly has popped. It was now difficult to hide her baby bump.

But with the help of loose fitting blouses and layering, Stevie managed to hide her bump. She wore a black cardigan over her blouses.

Throughout dinner, they all kept the conversation casual.

As time went on, Stevie grew more quiet.

Sara has noticed the fact that Stevie wasn't her usual self tonight. She had also noticed some changes in her mother. She had noticed the weight gain but didn't think anything of it.

At one point, Lindsey holds Stevie's hand to calm her down a bit. He too was nervous but he hid his feelings better than Stevie.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and gave her a smile. She smiled a little then gave his hand a squeeze to let him know, she was okay.

After dinner, they drove over to Sara's house. They all then sat in the living room.

Sara offered some tea to everyone and after she made it, she handed a cup to everyone and they all sat around talking once again.

Stevie took several sips of her tea before looking at Lindsey. Lindsey nodded. He silently sighed and put his cup down. He then took Stevie's cup and also put it down on the coffee table in front of them.

"Um...Sara, Michael...." Stevie began. "Lindsey and I have some news we want to share with the two of you."
"Is everything okay, mom?" Sara asked worriedly. She noticed how nervous Stevie was and assumed it was bad news.

"Yes, everything is okay." Stevie said. "'s just..." Stevie struggled to find the words to tell Sara.

Lindsey took hold of Stevie's hand and he held onto her to let her know he was there for her.

"Do you remember when your sisters had gotten sick with the 24 hour stomach bug? Then I got sick but it lasted much longer than 24 hours?" Stevie said. "I ended up in the hospital."

Sara nodded and waited for her mother to go on. Michael was sitting right next to her and he looked at his mother in law wondering what was going on.

Sara started to think the worst; maybe her mother had cancer or some other type of illness.

"Well...they found out that it wasn't a stomach bug at all." Stevie said. "Now, your father and I were very shocked when they told us the news and it was certainly not planned. I don't know how to tell you this." Stevie paused and took a deep breath. "I...I'm pregnant."

Sara's eyes went wide and her mouth opened slightly. She was speechless for a moment but soon recovered. "That's not funny, mom." She said angrily. "What's really wrong with you?"

"Sara, your mother wasn't trying to be funny nor is she lying about what she said." Lindsey said calmly. "Your mother is pregnant."

Sara felt such a sadness in her heart. Even though she was moving on with her life, she still had trouble being around pregnant women and babies. She was torn between being happy for her mom and being angry that she wasn't pregnant.

Tears appeared in her eyes but she was able to keep them from spilling.

"Sara, I know this is something you probably didn't expect to hear again from me, especially now since..." Stevie said before being interrupted by Sara.

"Since I lost my baby!" Sara said. "You know how I can't be around anything to do with babies right now! Why..."

"Because it was better to hear it from us now than to find out some other way." Lindsey becoming upset with Sara's attitude. "Plus, we wouldn't have been able to hide this from you forever."

Stevie has tears rolling down her cheeks. She wanted so badly to comfort Sara. But she stayed in place when she saw how angry Sara was.

Sara's angry tears rolled down her cheeks, her breathing became harsh.

Sara stood up from her seat and didn't say anything. She just rushed upstairs and into her bedroom slamming the door behind her.

Stevie was sobbing; she wanted to rush upstairs and try to calm Sara but she couldn't move.

Lindsey brought Stevie into a hug and Stevie buried her face into Lindsey's chest. Lindsey tried to calm Stevie down but it wasn't working.

Michael stood up and walked over to his in laws and kneeled down in front of Stevie.

"Stevie...I am so sorry for Sara's reaction." Michael said softly. He was emotional too, but he knew he shouldn't be upset about this. Stevie pulled her face away from Lindsey's chest to look at him and he gave her smile. He took her hand in his and said. "Congratulations to you and Lindsey."

He smiled at her and she smiled a little back at him.

"You know your daughter and how she is. You know she is just going off of anger because of what happened." Michael said. "We just have to let her go through the emotions she's feeling."

Stevie nodded knowing her daughter really well. She knew if she tried to talk to her right now, it would be in vain.

"Come on, Steph." Lindsey said as he stood up. "Let's get going so you can rest."

Stevie just nodded and stood up. Michael gave Stevie a huge hug and told her that things would be okay.

They then said their goodbyes and Lindsey holds Stevie's hand as he guides her outside.

When they reach the car, Stevie looks up to the window where Sara and Michael's bedroom was.

She saw Sara staring down at her through the window. Tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Sara quickly let go of the curtain, hiding away from her mother's gaze.

Stevie was afraid of this; her heart felt heavy and more tears rolled down her cheeks.

Lindsey gently took Stevie's face into his hands, making Stevie look at him.

"Angel, please stop crying. Try to calm down." Lindsey said as he tried to wipe her tears away with his thumbs. But the tears kept falling. "This is not good for you or the babies."
"I can't help it." Stevie said quietly. "I was afraid she would react like this."

"Sara will come around. We just have to give her some time." Lindsey said as he kissed her forehead. "Now, let's go home."

Stevie nodded and sighed in defeat. She got into the car and soon they drove off to go home.

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