Let It Be

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Hours later, all of the girls came back home and were now piled up next to Stevie in bed.

They hugged her and gave her kisses on her cheek and told her how glad they were that she was okay.

Aria of course has a death grip on Stevie and wouldn't let go. She had laid her head on Stevie's chest and an arm was wrapped around Stevie's abdomen.

Once the girls had their time with Stevie, they all went to their own rooms to change out of their school uniforms and to do any homework they had.

Aria stayed laying down with Stevie and Stevie held her close. She sang to Aria and she couldn't help but get emotional.

If this pregnancy went well, Aria would no longer be the baby of the family.

Stevie wiped her tears away before Aria could see. She then smiled. Even though she had a lot of fears about the pregnancy, she was so happy for this new little life that would be joining her family.

The next morning, Stevie woke up and found Sulamith cuddled up into her belly.

Lindsey had woken up to get their daughters to school. He let Stevie sleep in because she had been up a few times throwing up throughout the night.

Lindsey would come back so he could take her to her doctors appointment.

Stevie had called her doctor before the girls had gotten home and her doctor was able to fit her into her schedule.

Stevie smiled at her dog and patted Sulamith's head. The small dog looked up at her. Her tail began to wag and Sulamith stood up then licked Stevie's face.

Stevie giggled then hugged her dog close. She was about to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but then a wave of nausea came over her.

Stevie sat up and let go of Sulamith then rushed to the bathroom.

She began to heave and as soon she made it to the toilet, she vomited into it.

Sulamith was quickly by her side trying her best to comfort Stevie.

After a few minutes, Stevie's stomach was now empty. She flushed the toilet and sat back for a moment. She was resting and gathering her strength again.

Sulamith climbed onto Stevie's lap and looked up at her with her puppy dog eyes.

Stevie smiled weakly and said. "Mommy's, okay. Don't tell anyone. I'm going to have a baby." She whispered. "Isn't that exciting?"

Sulamith turned her head the side and stared at Stevie. Stevie chuckled and patted Sulamith's fur.

After a while, Stevie stood up from the bathroom floor and walked over to the sink. She brushed her teeth then decided to get ready.

By the time Lindsey came back home, Stevie was in the middle of brushing her hair.

He kissed her lips and smiled at her. "How you feeling this morning?"
"I'm feeling okay. Just nervous." Stevie replied. "I just want to hear that our baby is okay."

"Everything will be fine. I just have a feeling." Lindsey said with a smile.

Stevie couldn't help but calm down thanks to Lindsey's positive attitude.

"Now, finish getting ready." Lindsey said as he walked towards the doorway. "Sara has breakfast waiting for you."
"Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes." Stevie said.

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