Emergency Room

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When they arrived to the emergency room, Lindsey went in first to see if they could have a private room.

Because the hospital staff knew who they were, the hospital made sure to give Stevie her own private room for her examination.

Lindsey then walked back to the car with a wheelchair. Stevie reluctantly sat in the wheelchair and Lindsey quickly took her to the room that she was assigned to.

A nurse helped Stevie into the bed and a doctor soon walked in.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Phillips." He said. "What brings you here today?"

Stevie tells the doctor about how her family had a stomach bug and it went around the house. Now she was the one that had but it hadn't gone away.

"When I got sick, I thought it was the same stomach bug my family had, but now..." Stevie looked down and continued. "Now I think it could be something more serious. I've been vomiting for the past three days. I can't keep anything's down. Not even water."
"Well, that is not good. If the bug was 24 hours then you should have been feeling better by now." Dr. Phillips said. "Okay, firstly, I believe you are more likely dehydrated. So I will place you on an I.V. and also some anti nausea medication. That will help you regain some strength back. After, I want to do a series of tests to get to the bottom of what's going on."

Stevie was then asked to changed into a hospital gown. She then laid back on the bed and a nurse put in an I.V. in her arm.

Dr. Phillips then came back into the room and began his series of tests, including a blood test.

Once he was done, he gave the nurse the vial of blood and told her to take it to the lab.

When the nurse left, Dr. Phillips turned towards Stevie and Lindsey and said. "I put a rush on your blood test and hopefully we get the results back soon. For now, just relax and rest. I promise the medication we are giving you will help you feel much better."
"Thank you." Stevie said.

The doctor then leaves and now it's just Stevie and Lindsey.

A few minutes later of getting what she needed through the I.V., Stevie was already feeling a bit better.

Stevie turns to Lindsey and asks. "Lay with me?"

Lindsey smiles then stands up from his seat. He gently gets into the hospital bed and Stevie makes room for him.

Lindsey wraps an arm around Stevie and she lays her head on his chest. She carefully wraps her arm with the I.V. in it, across Lindsey's abdomen. She sighs and closes her eyes. She felt so drained.

"Get some sleep, angel." Lindsey said then he kissed the top of her head.

Stevie smiled a little and melts into him. She was fast asleep within seconds.

Lindsey smiled down at his wife, glad she was getting some relief. He gently reached over and grabbed the remote for the tv and turned it on.

He lowered the volume and found a random channel to watch. He wasn't sleepy so he stayed up and waited for what was to come next. Whatever that might be.

*Three hours later*

It was now 1:30 am and Dr. Phillips walked into room then gently woke first Lindsey up, who had fallen asleep not too long ago, then Stevie.

Stevie groaned a bit and sat up with Lindsey's help.

"Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham....I have Mrs. Buckingham's results from the blood test." Dr. Phillips said. "I'm going to open them now and let's see if this gives us some answers."

Stevie nodded and grabbed Lindsey's hand. Lindsey brought her close to him and held onto her. He gently squeezed her hand and they both looked to Dr. Phillips to continue.

Dr. Phillips opened the envelope that held the results and read through them.

He gave no inkling if the results were good or bad.

After he was done, he folded the paper in half then looked up at Stevie and Lindsey.

"Mrs. Buckingham..." he began; a smile crossed his face then said. "Congratulations. You're pregnant."

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