Holding On

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A/N: Happy Holidays!


"I swear if you're going to drop me," I muttered under my breath as Jisoo and Chaeng struggles to push me up.

Jisoo glares, "This would be so easy if you're going to abandon your bag."

"What if I'll stay overnight?" I countered.

"It's a rich person's house Lisa. Everything you need is there," Jisoo flailed almost dropping me.

"Shit, but what about food?" I ask her below, my hand patting the backpack full of food.

"Can't we just call her and go inside through the front door like a normal person?" Chaeng groans.

Whipping our heads to look at her, Jisoo and I spat the same incredulous reply, "But that's not fun."

We argued some more, my legs shaking while I reach for the foothold on the wall.

"Almost there," I lick my lips.

Inching little by little, tiptoeing I finally had a hold on the ridge as I pull myself up with the little military training I had from a survival show. Cold sweat trailing down my jaw, as I swallow in anticipation of injuring myself.

"Jesus christ Lisa what took you so long," Jisoo raised both hands in victory. 

Chaeng slaps her arm, "Don't use the name of the Lord in vain."

Chuckling secretly, I jest at Jisoo who pouted. 

"What? I wasn't! I was using my name, Jisoos cries Lisa," she acts it out in defense, almost wailing out my name if it weren't for Chaeng stopping her before she could. 

"You look stupid," I tease. 

She snarls, "Go to your girlfriend."

Sticking my tongue out, I toss the two some snacks I bought for them knowing that they'll be guarding my backs tonight. I felt like I was back playing Prince of Persia with Bambam while I climbed the wall, finding cracks to rest my hands and feet on. 

It took me minutes but thankfully I completed the death defying act. 

Ears perking up to a resounding clap below me, knowing it was probably Jisoo. Cringing, I pray that no one wakes up to see what we were doing. 

We could go to jail for trespassing and be the biggest news tomorrow in Korea. 

Or not. 

I'm staking our lives in the latter. 

Last ounce of strength, I knock on the glass window of her room. Biting my lower lip, as I wait anxiously for her. 

It had been 3 days since we last talked. 

I'm finding a way to make peace with her knowing how much Jennie wears her pride like a golden robe. Deep inside, I know this won't end if we keep putting our prides in between us. 

So I'm lowering it. 

Even though I was somewhat tired, even though I have an empty box of confidence left in me to salvage -- I needed her, like breathing oxygen. 

I was so used to her presence, that losing her scared me. 

There was no answer so I knock again, this time louder. Few seconds after, there was movement inside, the curtains were drawn and Jennie showed herself, jumping in fright at the sight of me. 

"Oh my gosh Lisa," she scrambles to open the window, forgetting that we were both in a cold war. 

Grinning stupidly, "Hi." 

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