Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I don't want to be rude, but immediately put in headphones when I get into the cab. Last night's sleep was not as satisfying as I wanted and needed it to be. I had another one of those weird dreams and woke up still pretty restless.

The ride should only take us about an hour, either a little under or a little over, depending on the traffic. So I close my eyes so that I could at least get a light rest as the cab driver takes us to Vivian's parents. I'll definitely have to go to bed early tonight. No sleep plus early wake up makes for a grumpy Aza Grace.

Vivian shakes me awake when we arrive in front of the picture perfect house.

I always joke that the outside of Vivian's house is what a picture on a postcard or propaganda for the American Dream would look like. It's a quaint baby blue house, fenced in with a white picket fence, and a bright green lawn. If you could see the back, it has a patio with a barbeque, and a swing set from when Vivian was little. It's adorable.

The door swings open before we even start walking down the path. "Girls!" Mrs. Carson is standing there with a huge smile. "So good to see you."

"Did I just see you?" Vivian teases.

"Not Aza Grace!" She pulls me into a hug. "It's been too long sweetheart. How was your summer?"

I'm about to answer, but Mr. Carson appears interrupting me. "Ladies, brunch is served."

"Tell me over brunch." Mrs. Carson pats my arm.

The kitchen table is filled with fruits, pancakes, eggs, bacon, yoghurt.... A really lavish spread. They really went all out for brunch this morning.

"Sit sit." Mr. Carson ushers us over, proud of his handiwork.

"You two are crazy people." Vivian laughs. "It's just Aza Grace, who are you trying to impress?"

"Well sweetheart," Mrs. Carson takes a seat. "We haven't seen her in quite some time now, thought we would make it special."

"You really didn't have to." I tell her, just as my stomach grumbles. "Are those croissants homemade?"

"Maybe..." Mr. Carson looks embarrassed, but without reason. "Since I retired, I've got a lot of time on my hands."

Croissants are probably the most difficult things to make from scratch, specifically because of how tedious and time consuming it is.

"My dad is thinking of opening a breakfast bakery type place." Vivian says to me as she serves me some pancakes.

"Really? That would be so cool."

"Oh it's just a dream." Mr. Carson is red at this point. "It probably won't happen."

"He's just being modest. My mom and him are going to tour store fronts tomorrow."

Vivian's father's food is what dreams are made of. It takes all of me to stop myself from moaning when I take a bite out of his homemade croissant. The man is a genius.

"So, what's new with you Aza Grace? Have any plans for thanksgiving?" Mrs. Carson asks.


"Babe, thanksgiving is thursday." Vivian reminds me. "We have no classes wednesday?"

I realize she's right and feel like an idiot. I've been so lost in my own world. I haven't even spoken to my parents recently.

Maybe I should...

"I'm sure your parents have a lovely meal planned." Mrs. Carson smiles at me but I notice the pity behind it and get slightly uncomfortable.

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