Chapter Fifteen

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I am honestly loving every part of this story that I am writing, I hope you guys are too!


Chapter Fifteen

"Aza Grace? Aza Grace?" I hear. "Gods no, just wake up!"

This time, when I try to open my eyes, I can see but my head still aches.

I'm seeing two Sterlings.


Well it seems like my tongue is working again.

"You're awake." He lets out a sigh of relief. A real one, although I'm not sure why. What happened?

"I am, but where am I awake?" I look around, and see that it is my dorm room. "Did I drink too much?"

"Yes, but that really isn't pertinent." He replies, putting himself back together to his more stoic self. "There was a bit of a situation but I handled it. Are you feeling alright, agapiménos?"

"Are you ever going to tell me what that means?"

He doesn't answer, just hands me a glass of water.

"How is your head?"

"Uh, it hurts. A lot. But not in the hangover-y way." I try and sit up to drink the water but am hit with a wave of fatigue and nausea. "Okay, maybe a bit in the hangover-y way."

"This is going to be extremely trigger for you and is likely to enrage you as that seems to be your nature but, you were knocked out and dragged into a cult scene. But I was able to grab you and disperse the robed folk."

My first instinct is to laugh, but he looks like he is extremely serious. So then I want to shout "WHAT?!" but that would hurt my head more. I settle for a month drop.

"Did I shock you mute? Oh thank god. Now I don't have to hear you yammer on anymore."

"Hey!" I smack his arm, "I can talk and I'm sure you love it!"

"Listen, you take the day to rest. You definitely have a concussion. I'll be back later in the day to check on you."

I watch Sterling walk out of the door, still in last night's clothes. Shit! Last night's clothes! I look down at my body and see myself in my lightning shirt. My slip dress is dirty and on my desk chair.

Does that mean...?

"Aza Grace!" Vivian shouts loudly as she enters the room, as she does making my head pulse. Can a head pulse?

"How was your party?" I ask her, moving over to let her join me in my bed.

"I blacked out and woke up in Cal's bed." She answers. "So awesome!"

I stop myself from laughing at the irony, and just snuggle into Vivian.

"I'm glad you had a good time."

"Oh and about the whole bathroom thing." She says, "I'm sorry."

"I'll lecture you later. My head really hurts."

"Mine too. Maybe we should just nap."

My eyes were already drooping when she suggested that.

When Sterling comes back to check on me, he finds us cuddled up in my bed in the same position as three hours ago.

"I brought you food." He says, showing me the paper bag.

"Food?" Vivian's head pops up.

"I can share." I tell her. "Thanks Sterling."

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