Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

I am woken by Hades shaking me and my heart nearly pounding out of my chest.


"You were screaming in your sleep." Hades explains.

"What time is it?"

"Ten, you had a full night's sleep. I slept on the couch."

I nod, and sit up.

That's a first. I don't think I have ever screamed in my sleep before. Eros must have shaken me more than I thought.

"Thanks." I say when Hades doesn't leave the foot of my bed, hoping he'll get the hint to leave. But he stays there looking at me. "Is that it?"

"No, I wanted to talk to you about your dreams. They are increasingly becoming a concern to me."

"Okay..." I awkwardly pat down the blankets around me.

"I spoke to Hecate, and she spoke with Apollo and they agree it could be the Fates sending you a premonition of sorts."

"A premonition?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it is foreshadowing your death."

"I-" Sound cuts out from my throat. I don't know how to react. A huge part of me wants to laugh. How else does one react when they are told their dreams are predicting their own death?

"That is why I wanted to ask you again, step back. Let me handle this. We've identified Eros, Mania, and the Twins. Let me do the rest." Hades' voice remains calm and one tone of voice. I can tell he is trying to keep his cool.

"No." I compose myself. "Absolutely not."

"This is more proof that you are in danger if you insist on pursuing this." He hisses. "You could die."

"Hades, I'm human. I could die at any moment. Lightning could strike me. I could choke. I could trip in front of a bus. Do I stay home all day, shut in my room in fear? No." I argue. "So I will not be taking a step back. I would appreciate if you would please refrain from asking me again."

He'll never love you, you know.

I face Hades out of the room so I can get dressed. Today is just another filler day until Sunday. There isn't much we can do to prepare.

There is breakfast waiting for me on the kitchen island but no Hades to be found. I guess he got the hint to leave me alone.

'Hey Hades seemed upset. U ok?' I get a text from Dio.

'Upset? Hades doesn't show you emotion.' I quickly text back.

'IK, that's why I texted. He came to ask me to watch u.'

I roll my eyes. 'Of course he did.'

'I'll bring Popcorn, and beer, we can watch movies.'

'It's 11 am.'

'It's 5 o clock somewhere.'

I am about to argue him otherwise but decide against it, if I am going to die, I might as well live a little first. Dio appears no more than twenty minutes later with more than just popcorn, and one case of beer.

"Are we having a party?" I tease.

"Just because it is just us two, doesn't mean we can't party!" Dio drops all of the food dramatically onto the island.

"What about Hades?" I question the use of 'two' when we're three.

"He had to pop into the Underworld real quick. Some God of the Underworld business to do." Dio explains. "He'll be back soon. Meanwhile, you have your best friend to keep to company. And we both know I am WAY better."

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