Coming home

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Hello everyone! 

Sorry for the inconveniences. I hope  i didn't upset you by moving the story to this account. (Trust me, I'm not happy either).

Anyway, hope you enjoy the book!

Miku POV....

"Thank you! Thank you everyone! Love you!" I yell waving goodbye to my adoring fans as i made my way back stage.

This was my last concert on my first tour! And so far, it was a success. I'm currently in New York, beautiful city i might add and I'm really excited to go back to California.

"That was amazing! You were amazing.... As always." Chirps my red haired PA, Miki.  "thanks Miki" I said collecting the bottle of water she was handing over to me, chugging it down. "Especially the last song, it's my favorite. What's the name again?" She says placing a finger on her chin. I laughed. "You don't know the name of your favorite song?" I said raising a brow.

She ignored my comment and snaps her fingers, "Aha! Tell your world. That's it!" I rolled my eyes."congratulations, you remembered the name of your favorite song" i said waving my hands around with sarcasm dripping from ever word.

"There she is!"

"Oh my Gosh! Hatsune Miku!"

Yells two voices followed by loud screams and I turn to see a group of girls being held back by security. What are they......?..... Oh right, autographs.

"Would you like to take care of that? Or would you like to leave?" Said Miki as I glanced at the girls who were staring at me with pleading eyes. I smiled. "I'll take care of it".

I walked towards them as their squeals got louder.

"Hatsune Miku over here!"

"I'm your biggest fan!"

"Can you sign my forehead!" I giggled at the last comment as I started signing autographs on papers, objects,  even body parts.
  " Miku - Chan, Mr kiyoteru just called. He says he wants you at the hotel immediately" Miki whispered as I signed a boy's arm. I nodded before I turned and said goodbye to my fans.

I started walking towards the exit as my body guards opened the door and blocked all the screaming people trying to grab me. I got in the limo with Miki getting in beside me, and soon , the limo started moving.

Time skip.....

We finally arrived at the hotel. I wore huge sunglasses and tucked my hair in a giant hat so people can't recognize me. I really love my fans but right now, I'm really tired and can't deal with fans screaming my name and asking to sign autographs.

I made my way upstairs to mine and kiyoteru's floor. Yes, he asked me to call him by his first name.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" said Miki walking to our room as i nodded and knocked on his door. "Come in" I heard his deep voice say through the door. I walked in and spotted him on the bed, with his right arm under his head and his left placed on his torso. His eyes closed.

"Hey, how's your head ache?" I said walking towards the bed to stand beside him. He opened his brown orbs to stare at me making my breath hitch. I've always had a tiny crush on him especially since I learned he was only five years older than me. I mean, who wouldn't. Just, look at him.

Who wouldn't crush on such a handsome face

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Who wouldn't crush on such a handsome face.

He smiles. "Better. How was the concert? Hope you were okay without me there" he said slowly sitting up. "I'm an adult kiyoteru, I was fine. Which reminds me. You said you wanted me back immediately, what's up?" I said placing my hands on my hips.

He swung his legs over the bed to place them on the floor so he was facing me. "Yeah, we're going home tomorrow" he said as i raised a brow. "Yes, you told me that yesterday" I said.

He grinned before he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer so i was between his legs and we were eye level. Curse my height...

I'm twenty one in a few weeks but I've only grown a few inches since I was sixteen. I'm 5'5 for goodness sake.

He placed something in my hand and i looked down to see they were plane tickets. " You already bought plane tickets for California?" I raised a brow as his grin widened. "Look closely" he said as I narrowed my eyes on the tickets and saw they were for.... Japan?!

"You got us tickets for Japan oh my God!" I sqealed wrapping my arms around him for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me also chuckling. I pulled away as a thought came to mind. "Wait, I thought you said we're always supposed to stay close to Sega, they don't have a branch in Japan".

"Correction, they didn't have a branch in Japan. They opened up there a month ago and i asked for a transfer there, because of a certain someone" he winked as i squealed again hugging him tight. "Oh my God thank you!".

I pulled away after a while still grinning as his eyes scanned my face. His hands were still holding my waist, as he leaned close and kissed my forehead. "Anything for you. Now you best be going to bed now, we have a big day tomorrow".

"Ok, good night" I said pulling away from him and walking towards the door. I walked out with one last smile at him and closed the door, making my way to my room.

I walked in to see Miki playing with my pet rabbit, Yukine. I remember when Kiyoteru got it for me on my 20th birthday. The same day he confessed he had feelings for me.

I wanted to accept him, I really did . But everytime I look at the way his brown orbs stare lovingly into mine, a pair of blue once flash through my mind and i find myself sad and angry at the same time.

Then his harsh words start to echo in my head and then my anxiety starts to take over. Being loved is supposed to feel wonderful , I was supposed to feel butterflies dancing around in my tummy when Kiyoteru confessed. But i guess he has ruined me for any man.

I feel i can't trust anyone from the opposite genders, even though I know Kiyoteru is too kind to even think of hurting me in anyway. But that scar that he has inflicted in me, still hasn't faded.

And he's going to pay for that.

"Oh, Miku-Chan, didn't see you there" Miki said scratching Yuki's ear. The furry creature nibbling on a piece of lettuce with it's ears flat on it's head.

"Yeah, I just came in. I'm gonna go take a shower" I said walking over to give Yuki a kiss before making my way to the bathroom.

After freshening up and  changing into my pajamas, I stood in front of the mirror, putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth.

I rinsed my mouth one last time and just stared at the mirror. My hair and eyes were now more of a shade of blue and not teal like five years ago. My body has also changed because it was now more curvy and defined.

As I rested my hands on the basin, the heart shaped pendent on my chest sparkled catching my attention. I held it between my fingers. This, this necklace is one of the things that bring back the good memories I have of Japan. My friends.

I lifted my shirt, tracing the fork mark scarred on my stomach. Horrible memories flashed through my mind and i flinched remembering the horrible pain. I traced the scar with my finger as goose bumps rose on my skin. It didn't hurt but the memories flooding my head made it feel like I was experiencing it all over all over again.

I can't believe how Len's actions really affected me. I thought i could forget everything after all these years but, I can't seem to.

I heard two years ago that he's taken over his father's fashion company. And I bet he's living the life and swimming in money  without any problems in his life. And here i am still having nightmares of my past with him no matter how hard i try to forget.

Well, his joyful days are numbered because once I go back, I'm gonna fulfill the promise I made for myself five years ago. So he should watch out.


I'm coming home....

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