Dex's party (02)...

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Miku POV...

"What was that about?" Rei asks with an equally confused expression as me. "I don't know either" I say as I watch Neru go after him. Even with the spark of joy I was feeling within me because i know he was clearly jealous, I still can't help but worry about him. And I certainly couldn't ignore the pang of guilt I was feeling. He got hurt because of me.

Before I know it, I get up and follow the direction where he and Neru went when I hear Rei calling my name. "Miku? Miku! Where you going?" He yells. "I'll be back!" I yell back without turning to face him. I run inside the house, pushing through the crowd but Len and Neru are nowhere in sight.

"Hey! Miku. How are you, nice to see you came!" Slurred a slightly drunk Kyo behind me. "Hey.... Have you seen where Len and Neru went?" I say as he shrugs. "Yeah I saw them coming in. But I didn't really care about where they were going. Probably upstairs to get some action" Kyo says winking at me and that just makes the desire to find him intensify. No.... No matter how much of a jerk Len can be, he wouldn't betray me like that. I try to reassure myself as I dash upstairs stopping at the very top. This way I have a better view to find them faster.

I look around the room carefully. Then I spot them on a couch at the far end of the room. I start to go down the stairs excitedly but stop mid way when I see Neru kissing Len's bandaged hand. And the worst part is he didn't pull away. He senses my gaze and turns to look at me. Those cold blue eyes boring into mine. I can tell he's still pissed. After a while, he looks away as if unaffected by my stare.

He didn't even pull his hand away from Neru's grasp, and he knows I'm watching them. I sigh and look away wondering how much more of this I can take.

Oh my heart

First he ignores all my texts and messages, then goes on a date with Neru, then plays chicken fight with Neru and after all that I still followed him like the dumb girl I am and now he's letting her kiss his hand in my presence.

He's the one saying that he feels my love for him is a joke but shouldn't I be the one saying that? Because based on actions, he's the one in the wrong right now.

I look at them one last time and walk down the stairs trying to swallow the pang in my chest. I soon arrive at the pool in time to see Miki pushing over some other couple over as she raises her fist in victory while the crowd cheered. I wonder how she convinced Piko to play with her.

"Hey Miku! Common let's play!" Miki beckons me to come over but I shake my head backing up a little. "No no I don't think-",

"That's weird, the sandwich I ate earlier was chicken too" Miki says cutting me off. Her remark earns a couple of 'oooos' from the crowd with a female voice yelling "she just owened you!".

I glare at her and she smirks back.

"Common. I'll be your partner" Rei says beside me and I nod before returning her smirk. This should get my mind off things for a bit.

People start to cheer (along with some wolf whistles) as I remove my short kimono and climb onto Rei's shoulders. Someone tosses me a beach ball and catch it almost loosing my balance as Rei walks towards Piko and Miki. Piko furrows his brows and looks around before mouthing "are-you-crazy". I know he's talking about how Len is going to react to me sitting on Rei's shoulders only in my bikini playing chicken fight but he's a jerk and I don't care.

"3! 2 ! 1! Chicken fiiiight!!!" Diana yells as we charge towards each other. Miki pushes her beach ball against mine that I almost loose balance. This is harder than it looks like.

After a while of struggling to stay in balance, we finally push Miki and Piko over and the crowed goes wild. I raise my fist in the air victoriously as Rei brings me to shore and sets me down before he climbs out of the pool.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now