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Miku POV..

I raised my mic as i felt the familiar thrill, sizzling through my body. That feeling you get when you perform in a concert. It's amazing. Exhilarating.

The crowd's cheers starts getting louder as the fog cleared around me. I was wearing one of "Rin's gorgeous designs" as she calls it. Rin's got style, but something tells me this isn't her design.  But whaterver, since the dress is awesome!

The music starts to play as everyone one quites down to hear it

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The music starts to play as everyone one quites down to hear it. That's probably because they want to hear the surprise new Halloween special song that I talked about on my Twitter ,Instagram and other social medias.  "La la    la la la la    la la la la la la la " I started to sing as they moved their glow sticks with the beat.

( Play song at the side 😍 )

The crowed was crazy after I finished. I would hear things like ;

"I love you Hatsune Miku!"

" You're the best Miku!!"

" Please notice me!"

"Miku..... Miku..... Miku.... Miku...."

They all chanted as I took my last bow. "Happy Halloween everyone! I. Love.  You. All!" I yell as they all screamed and cheered as I exited the stage. I love being me.

Next day..... (Brought to you by rabbit yukine 🐰)....

I was in Luka's room getting ready with her as we waited for the others to arrive. "I'm going to the bathroom for a bit. Do not eat my chocolate chip cookies" she scolds as I raised my hands in surrender. She gives me a look before going inside the bathroom. It's surprising how Luka eats more than a hippo but is still fit as ever. And she doesn't even visit her gym that much.

As I stare at the mirror, finishing the final touches of my smokey eye, my mind starts to drift off to my last  encounter with Rin.

I asked her about the name Len called me with, and she immediately turned pale. I don't know how, but she managed to divert my attention from the main topic. Which was weird. Rin doesn't hide anything from me. Especially when I ask her about it. I wonder-

My thoughts get cut off when Ia and Gumi burst in with Gumi shouting, "the party is here!". Gumi was wearing a ware wolf costume and IA a little Red riding hood costume. I recognize them as one of Len's designs.

"Hey guys! Where's Rin? We can't do the big entrance without her" I said as they both took a seat on the bed. "Oh, she said she would be coming with Len. There's something she had to take care of so she couldn't come early" said Gumi as I noticed Ia staring at me. Maybe because she likes my witch outfit?

I ignored it and looked at the time on my phone. It was already seven minutes to nine and we wanted to go down to the party together by nine. But Luka AKA the hostess of this party is still in the bathroom.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now