Unpleasant meetings...

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Hello  my little munchkins 🙋

As you all know, this book is named "Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend). So i wanted  to clear up the confusion. You can find the story "bully to boyfriend" in my old account. Which is Maryammadawaki.
    Its better if you read it first before this one or you'll get confused. Thank you 😘..


Miku POV...

"I can't believe you ate all my sushi!" I groan as i threw a spoon at Mikou.

He dodged it and laughed, "I warned you that i wouldn't be able to control myself if you didn't finish it. But did you take me seriously? No".

"He's right you know, he did warn you" Miki said beside me as i gave her a playful punch. " Just when i thought us girls could team up against him. Thanks a lot Miki" I pouted as she giggled.

This, I miss this. We use to do this everytime we were having breakfast when we were kids. I'm glad we could still do it again.

"Hey, could you pass the veggies" Mikou said as i passed it to him. "Which reminds me, have you seen Yukine? I couldn't find him anywhere since morning" I said as they both shrugged. Soon, we heard a thud in the fridge.

I stood up and went to check what it was and i saw non other than my white rabbit nibbling on a carrot. All the lettuce, leeks and cabbages had been eaten halfway and it seems he was just starting on the carrots before i interrupted him.

"Bad Yuki, Bad" I said picking the chubby rabbit up as the carrot fell from it's mouth. "How did he even get in there?" Said Miki as i walked towards them. "I don't know, but you better keep it away from me or else I'll show him the way out" said Mikou glaring at Yukine. "Oh common Onii-Chan, don't be like that. Say sorry Yuki.... Soooweeyy" I said the last part  with a tiny voice as i held Yuki up.

Miki laughed at the scene and i guess it was contagious because i saw Mikou's lip twitch, which meant he was trying not to laugh. Soon, we heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it" said Miki as she walked to the  front door. She opened it to reveal Mr Kiyoteru.

"Mr Hiyama, hi .....  sir " I heard her say before she let him in. He walked in giving her a smile before his brown orbs met mine. "Kiyo-Kun, what are you doing here" I said surprised as he walked towards us. He was wearing a plain white shirt with a black suit jacket over it, paired with some dark blue jeans. He looks good..

"Miku-Chan, Mr Ha-" Mikou cuts him off. "No, you can call me Mikou".

"Ok. Sorry I came unannounced. Although i did call both you and Miki but non of you answered" he said as he stood next to the table, leaning his hands on it.

"Oh, our phones are upstairs charging. Sorry. So what brings you here" I said placing Yuki down as he hopped to God knows where.

"There's an old friend of mine, Mr Yuhio or as how i like to call him, Yuhioloid. He invited us to a party this evening. And he says I should bring you along too because he wants to meet you. So what do you say?" He said.

"Sure, of course I would like to come" I said as he smiled. "Great. I'll come to pick you and Miki by eight".

"Actually, is it okay if I stay? There's some paper work I need to sort out" said Miki taking her seat. "Oh, okay. Sure. But why tonight? You can always do it tomorrow" I said as she shook her head, "you're going for a photo shoot remember?" Ohhh right. I forgot about that.


"So now that that's settled, I'll see you tonight" he said before he turned on his heal and Miki walked him to the front door.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now