The final stand...

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Still third person POV...

Len was still lost in thought as he followed his sister to the place she was leading him to. Though he had this uneasy feeling. Aside from the feeling he had about Miku being hurt and is surely still in danger. There's this other feeling that he couldn't quite explain.

He looked ahead to the direction where Rin was leading them too. Nothing but white, as more snow slowly and softly fell from the sky.

Miku fell to her knees once again, the pain in her body becoming even more unbearable with every step she took. The cold snow, chilling her to the bone. Especially since she wasn't dressed for the cold. She was quite surprised the first time she opened her eyes and saw snow. That made her doubt if she was actually held captive for a week or more.

After a two minutes rest, she carried Yuki in her arms and continued her journey. Indeed she was cold, tired and hurting. But she wasn't going to give up. Yuki appearing in front of her earlier and freeing her was a sign that it wasn't her time yet. So there for. She'd fight. She'd live.

"L....Len" she whispers. Her blue chapped lips quivering. Her legs gave out once more and she collapsed. Hugging Yuki tighter to feel at least a little amount of warmth.

" me"

Len suddenly stopped in his tracks. Looking around the forest. His left side in particular. He wasn't quite sure but it was as if he heard Miku's voice calling to him.

Rin stopped her running when she noticed Len had also stopped.

"Len!" Rin called out to him  but he was still looking to that direction though he heard her. She sighs and walks towards him, touching his shoulder. "Why'd you stop?".

He continues to stare off at the distance and then answers after a short time. "I thought I heard Miku". His tone soft as he says this.

Rin also glances at the direction he was looking at before sighing. "Well-" she gets cut off by Gakupo's voice through her walkie talkie.

"Rin! Rin do you copy!? He yells and Rin brings the gadget to her mouth. "Yes sir!" She replies with such authority in her voice Len almost couldn't recognize her.

"If you were coming towards us before, change direction. I repeat. Change direction! We're under attack here! Go look for Miku in the forest. If you come here, before we get to her it will be too late!" Rin could tell he was running from the way his voice was shaking.

"But sir, I can't leave you-" Gakupo cuts her off.

"THAT'S AN ORDER!" Then he cuts connection. Rin sighs. "Yes sir" even though he couldn't hear her.

Len just stared blankly at her and waited for her to speak. She knew he heard everything Gakupo told her but knowing her brother, it wouldn't be surprising that he still had that blank expression.

"Common. Let's go to the direction you heard her voice from" she says running into that thick forest with her gun in her hand as Len followed behind her.

Miku wasn't sure where she was headed. There was no doubt she was lost and might die at anytime. But why not make the most of the rest of her strength to at least get somewhere.

The snow storm was getting worse. Her feet were numb and some of the parts of her body where frozen. Even her wound was frozen. The only source of heat she had was Yuki. Who was also snuggling into Miku.

Miku smiled down at the rabbit before she heard a growl behind her. She slowly turned to be met with three pairs of yellow eyes. Predatory eyes. Miku was now as pale as a sheet of paper.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now