This is our story...

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Rin POV...

Three weeks after....

I wipe my eyes as I stared at the graves of the two important people of my life.

My brother and my best friend.

Mikou hugs me to his side, rubbing my arm smiling down at me and I smile back too. I'm actually surprised how well he's trying to cope with what happened to his sister. He's so strong.

"Common. Let's go. Our trouble makers are gonna be released from the hospital today" Mikou said moving his hand to my waist. I nod smiling before looking at the graves once more.

You'll always be in my heart. Until we join you in the other side my loves.

I blow them a kiss before we both make our way to Mikou's car. He opens the door for me to enter before jogging to his side and gets in and we drive to the hospital.

Time skip....

We finally arrive at the hospital. Mikou opens the door for me to get out before we enter the hospital and walk to my other two loves in the hospital rooms.

So many things has happened for the past three weeks. So many, tragic things.

After the fight was over. When I woke up. I found out about IA being badly injured that she slipped into a long coma which would reach at least five months. She and Luka later joined the fight with Gakupo to help as well and then this happened. Luka was injured but not as much as IA. Iguess we'd be celebrating Christmas without her this year.

Oh, and I mention Miki is dead? No? Well she is. She was killed in the fight.

We reach Miku's room and Mikou opens the door for me to enter before following behind me. She was just sitting there looking at the window before she slowly turned to us, giving us one of those cute Miku smiles I always loved.

I'm so glad she's okay. Considering everything she's been through. I've never seen such a strong woman like her. In fact, she even puts me to shame. And I'm a police woman for goodness sake.

"Hey guys" her soft voice fills the room as we make our way to her bed.

"You ready to go home?" Mikou says pinching her nose and she slaps his hand away giggling.

"Ready as I'll ever be. I can't wait to wash this hospital smell off me" she says looking down at her body and scrunches her nose in disgust.

Mikou laughs standing up, "you girls stay here and chit-chat. I'll be right back" he says making his way out.

I just sit on the bed staring at her and her brows knit together.


I smile, "nothing. It's just... You fascinate me" I say and she tilts her head.


"Yeah. On the outside you like someone that can't even feed her self. You're stronger than you look" I say and she shrugs.

"Tell that to your brother. He's the one that thinks I'm too weak and fragile" she puffs her cheeks and fold her arms making me laugh and go in for a hug. She seems startled at first but hugs me back.

"I'm so glad you're ok. I really am" I whisper tightening the hug and she hums in response.

"And I'm glad you're ok. Considering everything that happened" she whispers making me swallow the lump in my throat.

Like I said, many bad things happened for the past three weeks.

The people I went to visit at the grave today were Gumi and Rinto.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now