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Miku POV...

I watch the trees pass by as Miki and i drove on the quiet long road that seemed as if it went on forever. Thinking back to what happened this morning.

After I went out of the kitchen, I went straight to my room and onto my bed. Collapsing onto it with a groan. Of course Len came and tried to get me to open my door but I ignored him until he eventually got the message. I called Miki soon after to come and get me.

I needed to get out of the house for some fresh air and work on the "Snow Miku 2019 official song". The song is awesome but I'm still working on the title though. As for my out fit, Len already said he'd take care of it.

My heart's thumps a little at that last thought. I came out to clear my head but here I am thinking about him.

Well it's normal to think about someone you love. My subconscious states and that makes me crack a little smile. I don't even know why I had that negative thought earlier. About me wondering why the hell I fell for him.

Every body has flaws. No body is perfect. And Len may have a lot of flaws but God knows that I love that man.

Since five years ago. In the beginning of our relationship, he told me how imperfect he is. That he's not the dreamy prince charming boyfriend that brings you flowers and chocolate every day or set up a cliche romantic candle light dinner at a fancy restaurant. He told me he'd hurt me, and it wouldn't only be once or twice. He told me not to expect the cliche perfect guy every girl dreams of.

But he also told me he'd do everything to make me happy and show me how much he loved me every day. Both words and actions. He told me he'd protect me from any form of harm that would come my way. He also told me that no matter how bad things became between us, he'd never stop loving me and that he'd always find a way for us to make up.

I loved the way he said all those things because I knew it was true. A guy telling you he'd never hurt you is one of the biggest lies on Earth. And I'm actually surprised that some girls really fall for those words.

I don't regret loving him and I'd never. I love his imperfections as well as his perfections because that's what makes him human. And especially his honesty. In fact, he can be a little bit too honest but I'm fine with that.

I continue to scribble down the lyrics for my song when Miki's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Ok I just have to ask. What's wrong?" She says glancing at me briefly before concentrating on the road once more.

"Why?" I say raising a brow at her. She rolls her eyes.

"Normally when you're upset, you tend to ramble about it the whole car ride while I pretend to listen. This time, you're being awfully quiet. Which is way off. Common, tell me" she says while I stare at her for a while before looking out the window.

"Nothing... Just.... A fight with Len. As usual" my voice low as I say this.

"Details please. But I'm not forcing you if you don't wanna tell me"

" It's ok. It's... Fine. It's just that....... Len wants to send me to Florida just because of he thinks I can't take care of myself. Something is coming up and he's worried something might happen to me" I say drawing random shapes on my song book.

"Oh? And what did you say?"

"No obviously. I'm sick and tired of him treating me like a child.... Though he still insists" I pause and look at her. "What do you think about this?".

She shrugs in reply before answering, "depends on what he wants to protect you from". I notice she's slowing the car down and finally parks it.

"Ummmm. You do know we're still in the middle of no where right?" I say gesturing to the trees around us all lined up.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now